
Now Premium and Nulled Resources are a total of 21817 results,Currently on page 1454, You can Free download Resources from NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community
[OzzModz] New Thread Avatar N
Simple addon that changes the users avatar to new thread text/avatar on the post thread line.
[OzzModz] Conversation Lock & Invite Permissions N
allow you to give your usergroups the permissions to lock conversations
[OzzModz] Move ACP Icon Links Block N
Simple addon that will move the ACP links block from below the statistics block to above the search
[XenDACH] LimitLanguageUsage N
Based on the XenForo 1.x add-on for limiting language usage we made the XenForo 2 version.
[ITD] Attachment Icons II N
Now you can use custom file-type icons instead of XF default attachment font awesome icons.
[BS] Exclude forums from search N
After changing this option, you will need to rebuild the search index
Node Icon N
Node Icon Beta 5
Easy for use addon for set custom Fontawesome icon to your forum nodes help you!
[Motacore] Mobile Sidebar N
This add-on turns the sidebar into an off-canvas menu for small screens, primarily mobile phones.
[CZ] Favicon Notification Badge N
Adds badge to favicon of Xenforo using favico.js from Miroslav Magda.
XFRM - Bypass Resource Moderation / Approval N
allow user-groups to upload resources without having to remove the option to moderate the resources.
[Andrew] Soft Deletion Requires Reason N
Soft Deletion Requires Reason requires moderators or admins to enter a reason
[XTR] User Info Panel (Like XF1) N
This plugin allows you to use the user banner information area that comes as standard for XF1 in XF2
Style Changer N
This add-on is a jQuery-based theme / skin modifier that allows a visitor to change the look of your
Title Length Modifier N
Allows to modify the title of specific values