Title Length Modifier

Title Length Modifier 1.0.1

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessTitle Length Modifier 1.0.1 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 13.8 KB File size. From Title Length Modifier have 515 Views.
Allows to modify the title of specific values.

This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Please note:
The license of this add-on does not entitle you to use this add-on on a commercially active XenForo installation. If your XenForo installation generates some form of commercial income (ads, user upgrades or other means of money generation), you are required to extend your license to a commercial license. Commercial licenses are a one-time payment and includes all future updates. You are required to buy one license per online accessible XenForo installation that is commercially active.
Commercial licenses for this add-on are available at a price of 15€/each.

The acquired licence won't entitle you to get a free upgrade to a new Major-Version of XenForo.
Be fair and keep this add-on free for everyone who offers his content for free.
To purchase a licence, please write me a Private Message.

the following following properties can be modified:

  • Thread Title
  • Conversation Title
  • Notice Title
  • Custom user title
It's also possible to set a maximum value that is smaller than the default of XenForo (150 Characters / 50 characters for "custom title")

Installation, Upgrade and Uninstall:

  1. Use the " Install/upgrade from archive" option or
  2. Upload the content of the upload-folder to your root-partition
  3. Go to ACP -> Add-Ons and install the Add-On
  4. Configure the Add-On under ACP -> Setup -> Options -> [CZ] Title Length Modifier
This will affect your Database directly. It will increase the database-columns from 150 (50) to 255 characters.


  1. Read the patch notes for potential additional necessary steps!
  2. Upload the content if the upload-folder to your XenForo root directory. Overwrite files when asked.
  3. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and upgrade the Add-On
Beware of the following:
If you remove this add-on it will reset the length of all affected database-tables back to their default character count.

If you have longer names they will be truncated at 150 characters or 50 characters (custom title)
This is irreversible

  1. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and uninstall the "[CZ] Title Length Modifier" Add-On
  2. Delete the following folder inside your XenForo root directory:
    • src/addons/CZ/TitleLength/
I have NOT tested this add-on on a 2.0 Installation.

If you appreciate my work, please consider leaving a like and a review. If you want, you can give me a contribution via PayPal. Details are provided via private message.
Extention type
File size
13.8 KB
First release
Last update
Ratings 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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