XenForo2 Add-on

Premium and Nulled XenForo2 Add-on are a total of 1991 results now,Currently on page 1, XenForo2 Add-on Resources can be free download from NullPro
s9e Media Sites N
This add-on implements a carefully curated collection of the most useful and most requested media si
[XenBg] AdBlock Detection J
detects and blocks users with AdBlock enabled
[cXF] Style Variations in Navigation J
Add style variation button to the main navigation next to the Search button.
[XenBg] Neon Logo J
Easy logo setup, just enter the letters of your forum name and that's it.
Chunked Uploads - XF2 A
This addon enables "chunked uploads" in XenForo.
[01] Restrict Browsing For Unverified Email Users J
Restrict Community Browsing for users with unverified email addresses
XF2 CLI Utilit J
This adds a shortened CLI Syntax.
XF2 Docker Container J
A docker container intended for development within XenForo.
Ban disposable or spam email hosts J
5,582 temporary (disposable/throwaway) domains to get rid off.
Options by URL J
Allows overriding XF options via URL. Unauthenticated.
[XenGenTr] Editor Logo J
This plugin allows you to add your site's logo to the editor
[cXF] New Threads Widget Plus J
Use the New Thread Widget with an extended option and some additional features.
[cv6] Node Icons & Tools J
This AddOn works with the default Theme, if you change essential parts of the theme
Warning Improvements by Xon N
A Collection of improvements to XF's warning system
Report Improvements by Xon A
Screenshots are still to be added, XF1 version has similar functionality and the screenshots