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HTML Usertitles A
Allows Administrators to set a users title to allow HTML
[OzzModz] Configurable CTA Post Thread Button A
With this addon you can change the text on the Post thread button on a per forum basis.
MF - Copyright Remover A
This will be my first release of an addon.
[XTR] Style Switcher A
On the demo site, the style switcher plug-in is only set to default style.
Move Bookmarks Menu A
his is a small add on that will give the admin various additional options
Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) A
Quickly add Google's Adsense to your website using Google's Autoads placement.
Amazon SES Bounces Support A
Once your topic is created we need to subscribe it to your forum
[DRC] xFRM Donations A
Today is my 30th birthday and I present you with a gift! My first addon for xF,
[DRC] Nav Search No Auto A
This product simply removes the autocomplete from ONLY the navbar search
[J] XFRM Extras A
Seem to work on latest Xenforo v2.2.x this add-on needs resource manger
AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] A
Key detection is randomized between installations to prevent community adblockers.
Similar Threads with Pictures A
This plugin will display similar themes with an image at the end of each topic.
[BS] Private user banner A
Unlimited number of banners per user
[AddonsLab] Navigation Badge A
The add-on solves the problem of having a badge/counter in your navigation bar.