[AddonsLab] Navigation Badge

[AddonsLab] Navigation Badge 1.0.0

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  1. 2.2.x
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business[AddonsLab] Navigation Badge 1.0.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 18.9 KB File size. From [AddonsLab] Navigation Badge have 3 Description Attachments, 338 Views.
The add-on solves the problem of having a badge/counter in your navigation bar.

XenForo 2.x has navigation manager, where you can create any tabs/sub-menu, however, it does allow to put some additional badge on them (for example, when you need to highlight one of your tabs with a "New!" badge, or want some type of counter on the tab). This add-on can also be used by other add-ons that need to add a dynamically generated content

Please see the screenshots attached from admin panel configuration pages and front-end example.

The product is free and does not include any licensing code or any callbacks.
Extention type
File size
18.9 KB
First release
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