- XF Compatibility
- 2.2.x
- Short Description
- Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessAdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] 2.0.5 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 127.9 KB File size. From AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] have 4 Description Attachments, 352 Views.

- SEO-friendly
- Fully mobile responsive
- Granular permissions per usergroup
- 4 overlay themes (dark, light, default and black out)
- Simple colour changes can be made in the theme.less file
- Ability to choose the primary color of the overlay using a color picker
- Override "ignore this user group" for groups you NEVER want to see the anti-AdBlock
- Ability to enable and disable the overlay
- Ability to set the overlay delay timer in seconds
- Ability to set the number of page views for nagging
- Ability to enable and disable the plugin
- Ability to exclude detection on templates
- Default exclusion of login, register, error, account details
- Improved responsive layout on small screen mobile devices
- Key detection is randomized between installations to prevent community adblockers from globally detecting this anti-adblock
- Detection is based on the most popular blocking mechanism used by leading adblockers
- Robots/crawlers are ignored to ensure the anti-block messaging does not affect SEO or interfere with search engine results (SERPs)
- All language in phrases
- Supports multilingual translation