[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

No permission to download
  • Fixed issue where chart dimensions would be mislabeled/incorrectly grouped on the chart
  • Added "Purchase revenue" as dimension option for charts
  • Added "Item purchase quantity" as dimension option for charts
  • Fixed issue where an old installation of legacy (XF1) version of add-on would cause installation issues of this (XF2) version of add-on.
  • Fixed issue where some email sent/email read events wouldn't get logged if you are tracking events by user ID.
  • Added missing phrases for "city" and "region".
  • Added ability to debug events going through backend measurement protocol.
  • Using new Google Analytics Admin API endpoint (going from v1alpha to v1beta).
  • New user group permission: Do not track with Google Analytics
  • Removed usage of abstract class that required XF 2.2.0+ to exist.
  • Added geographic dimensions (city, region, country) as options for charts.
  • Added "Signed in user" as an available dimension for charts.
  • Give a better error message about Organic Google search dimensions requiring an association to the respective Google Search Console property (including link to make that association).
  • Using XenForo's filter system to allow users to remove URI from URI-specific chart (when viewing chart from icon in staff bar).
  • Chart icon link in staff bar will give a thread-specific chart when viewing a thread.
  • Chart icon link in staff bar will give a user-specific chart when viewing a member profile.
  • Raised execution order of template modification that adds to staff bar (helps with compatibility with other add-ons).
  • Changed "javascript" route to "jc" to avoid conflict with web servers configured to internally handle requests with the string "javascript" without passing it along to XenForo (only applies when using the Host Google Tag Manager JavaScript on your own domain option)
  • Made the realtime block on admin index collapsible
  • Reports and realtime block have a link at top to take you directly to Google Analytics
  • New "Totals" section of charts (for reporting on metrics you don't want to break down by dimension)
  • Fixes issue with medium/source tracking in RSS feed causing the RSS feed to not validate as being valid
  • Fixes issue with link source tracking using the wrong delimiter
  • Event chart based on eventCount metric (will allow you to see more than page_view events)
  • Better compatibility with Pixel Exit styles
  • Added Session medium as dimension option for charts
  • Added Session source as dimension option for charts
  • Added missing phrase, ecommerce
  • Compatibility with very old (end-of-lifed for years) versions of PHP