[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

No permission to download
  • Made change to Mailer class to have better compatibility with XenForo 2.3 w/ PHP 8.3
[*]All JavaScript has been rewritten to be "native" (does not use jQuery) in preparation for removal of jQuery in XenForo 2.3.
[*]Fixed issue with app_install_prompt PWA event being triggered
[*]Added ecommerce support for DigitalPoint/Marketplace addon. Events:
Fixes issue where some PWA tracking events would fire on all page views.
  • Require XF 2.2 or higher (incompatible Mailer class between XF 2.1 and 2.2)
  • Use <xf:fa /> for the staffBar now that XF requirement is 2.2+ (better compatibility with Font Awesome Manager)
If you aren't using Font Awesome Manager, nothing really changes with this update (if you were using XF 2.0 or 2.1, you would have gotten errors before, now it simply doesn't let you install unless you have XF 2.2).
  • Google Analytics changed what dimensions are compatible and no longer allow full page URL to be used in conjunction with most other dimensions/metrics. Because of that, we are switching to something that works reasonably well as far as compatibility in reporting (page path).
  • Some template modification changes to work better with third-party styles
  • Removed ability for purchase revenue chart to be broken down by item name (no longer allowed with Google Analytics API)
  • Fixed issue with compatibility with old versions of PHP.
  • Requires PHP 7.0 or higher (just getting too annoying/difficult to maintain backward compatibility with very old versions of PHP on old versions of XenForo).
  • Exception reporting works again by changing pageLocation dimension to pagePath (Google seems to not allow reporting on URLs with full query string any longer... maybe a privacy thing?)
  • This version has nothing added other than support for XenForo's new cookie consent system. If you are using a version of XenForo prior 2.2.12, it has no effect. There's also no effect if you aren't using the new cookie consent system.
  • The only situation where this update would be needed is if you are using XenForo 2.2.12+ and you are using the new Advanced (Beta) cookie consent option.
A minor update with the following:
  • itemPurchaseQuantity metric updated to itemsPurchased (per breaking changes to Google Analytics Reporting API going into effect Dec 1, 2022)
  • New item-scoped metrics added to E-commerce section of weekly heat map (itemsAddedToCart, itemsCheckedOut, itemsViewed and itemsViewedInList)
  • Don't try to track emails being read if the outgoing email has no HTML part (emails being sent manually as 'Plain text')
  • Suppress error if there is a transient Google Analytics API issue on the main admin page (won't show an error when attempting to display real-time map on the admin index page)
  • Changed the explanation text on the debug option to be more clear that it creates server error log entries for debugging server-side events