XenForo2 Add-on

Premium and Nulled XenForo2 Add-on are a total of 2012 results now,Currently on page 133, XenForo2 Add-on Resources can be free download from NullPro
[Liam W.] Custom Editor Colors N
Customise the colors displayed on the color grid of the message editor in XenForo.
[Andrew] Negative Reactors N
Negative Reactors allows users to view their top negative reactors by count.
[Andrew] Positive Reactors N
[Andrew] Positive Reactors allows users to view their top positive reactors by count.
[Liam W] (RIP) Bypass Date of Birth Privacy N
allows board members with the 'Bypass user privacy' permission to view
[Liam W] (RIP) [XFRM] Show All Ratings N
This is a simple install-and-done add-on that will show all resource ratings wherever reviews
[Liam W] (RIP) Reassign Own Resource Permission N
adds a new resource permission that, when granted, allows users
[Liam W] (RIP) Post Count Rebuild N
This is a simple add-on that adds a rebuilder to the 'Rebuild caches' page to rebuild your boards us
[Liam W] (RIP) Global Name Styling N
Simple XenForo 2.x add-on that changes all username calls to display them using the usergroup stylin
[BS] Scheduled posting N
Easily creating your own handler for scheduled posting (for developers)
[ITD] Mixed Small FileType Icons N
A set of 20 Mixed Small 48x48 FileType Icons for ITD Attachment Icons II
[Sysnative] Improved Member Stats Widgets - Members Recently Online / Recently Registered N
provides additional widget options to display Members Recently Online and Members
[OzzModz] New Thread Avatar N
Simple addon that changes the users avatar to new thread text/avatar on the post thread line.
[OzzModz] Conversation Lock & Invite Permissions N
allow you to give your usergroups the permissions to lock conversations
[OzzModz] Move ACP Icon Links Block N
Simple addon that will move the ACP links block from below the statistics block to above the search
[XenDACH] LimitLanguageUsage N
Based on the XenForo 1.x add-on for limiting language usage we made the XenForo 2 version.