XenForo2 Add-on

Premium and Nulled XenForo2 Add-on are a total of 2012 results now,Currently on page 131, XenForo2 Add-on Resources can be free download from NullPro
Change Content Owner N
Can change media ,album,comment owner
Nested Quotes with Improved Notifications N
Only the outermost quote will lead to a notification. This can completely replace the original Nest
Sort Members Online Alphabetically N
allows for that change without the need to edit core XF files that may be overwritten during upgrade
hCaptcha Integration N
hCaptcha Integration 1.0.0 Alpha 1
This add-on adds allows using hCaptcha throughout XenForo.
[OzzModz] XFRM File Extension And Size Display N
a simple addon that will show the file extension type and file size in the resource view page
[OzzModz] Recently Active Days Override N
allow admins to set a time in days to return user results when searching by user
Wide Admin Panel N
Wide Admin Panel 2.1 Alpha
Very useful change if you often work with templates in admin panel and have wide screen
[MMO] User Ban Info N
Displays information about blocking a user in his profile
[BS] High privacy N
Disabling IP logging
[OzzModz] Remove New Posts/Post Thread Buttons N
This small addon will remove the New posts and Post thread buttons form the forum list
[OzzModz] Add Posters Username To The Quote/Reply Link N
This simple addon will add the posters username to the quote/reply links in posts.
Log all moderator actions N
This add-on will make it possible to log all moderation related actions to the log
[ITD] Embed Sharing from Crazy Games N
Share embedded games from CRAZY GAMES to your board with frame width
[OzzModz] Make Thread And Node Titles Linked N
Simple addon that makes node titles and thread tiles linkable.
Route on Subdomain N
This add-on allows setting routes to be used on specific subdomains.