Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled

Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled 2.3.6

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled with a new update entry:


Welcome to 2.3.0 Beta 7! Since our last release we have been mostly focusing again on bug fixes and stability, though we do have an interesting change to note related to multibyte strings, specifically URL romanization. If available, we now use the intl extension and perform a multi-layered process for normalizing and transliterating strings. This is now much more intelligent as it handles some special cases for certain locales (based on the default language of the forum).

We also have a...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled with a new update entry:


Firstly, to clarify some concerns that have arisen:

1. If you did a normal upgrade (either uploading files or via your admin control panel) you do not need to manually edit any files to receive the security fixes.
2. If you upgraded to the initial 2.2.16 release, you are fully protected against the security issues that were being addressed.

Secondly, a second patch is being released to address some minor bug fixes that may not have been correctly applied when upgrading to XenForo 2.2.16...

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled with a new update entry:


Today we are releasing XenForo 2.3.0 Release Candidate 5. While the majority of this release is focusing on bug fixes and stability, there are a few noteworthy changes.

Automatic legacy file clean up​

XenForo installations after upgrading to XenForo 2.3 will have a number of files sitting in the file system which are no longer used. Any XenForo installation that has been around for a while, will to a lesser extent, have a similar issue. These files on their own...

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thanks to dear member @work updated Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled with a new update entry:


XenForo 2.3.4 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.3 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.

Some of the changes in XF 2.3.4 include:

  • Include embed.php in hashes.json
  • Fix error thrown when feed entry is missing an ID
  • Use AbstractCollection for type hint on addContentToBookmarks method
  • Fix deprecated usage of str_replace with API scopes
  • Improve PHP...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Xenforo Core Full Package Nulled with a new update entry:


XenForo 2.3.5 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.3 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.

In addition to the usual bug fixes, XenForo 2.3.5 includes a critical security fix for any customers making use of OAuth2 where client applications may be able to request unauthorized scopes. This will affect any customer using OAuth2 clients on any version of XenForo 2.3 prior to...

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