[AL] Core Package

[AL] Core Package 1.8.8

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newimage Sergeant Major
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Jun 28, 2020
newimage submitted a new resource:

[AL] Core Package 1.1.0 - Core

The package contains libraries we share between several our add-ons. Until now the files were included in packages of the add-ons themselves, however, having multiple add-ons to using the same files can sometimes cause a conflict between them, if they are using different versions of the files.

The package does not implement any visible functionality itself, it is just a collection of PHP classes reused by multiple add-ons. You don't need to install it if you are not using any of our add-ons.

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newimage updated [AL] Core Package 1.1.0 with a new update entry:

For 2.2.x

The package contains libraries we share between several our add-ons. Until now the files were included in packages of the add-ons themselves, however, having multiple add-ons to using the same files can sometimes cause a conflict between them, if they are using different versions of the files.

The package does not implement any visible functionality itself, it is just a collection of PHP classes reused by multiple add-ons. You don't need to install it if you are not using any of our add-ons.

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newimage updated [AL] Core Package with a new update entry:

[AL] Core Package 1.3.5

The release implements minor changes in admin-facing page structures. Please update if any of our products you are using requires this version.
The release adds a new method for attachment duplication. Please update if any of your add-ons require this version.
The release fixes uninstallation of add-ons not removing tables created at installation.

The update is recommended for all users of our add-ons, who potentially may want to uninstall an...

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jessy updated [AL] Core Package with a new update entry:


This version adds the library Mobile_Detect and adds variables available in all templates to detect if the current page is viewed on a mobile/tablet device:

<xf:if is="$xf.isMobileBrowser">
    Visitor is using a tablet or a phone.
    <xf:if is="$xf.isTabletBrowser">
      Visitor is using a tablet.
    <xf:else />
      Visitor is using a phone.
  <xf:else />
    Visitor is using a computer/non-mobile device.

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [AL] Core Package with a new update entry:


The update applies a definitive fix for the class extension hack, based on suggestions from @Xon.

The update is backward-compatible with our add-ons, so applying the update will keep the current hack active, however, once you have upgraded other our add-ons to the latest versions (new versions of all Filter add-ons will be released within 24 hours to support the new system), you can disable the hack by unchecking the option Legacy Class Extension Hack in add-on options page. Once unchecked...

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