WebMaster World | marketPlace General Rules

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Bronze Member
Iron Member
Donor Member
May 31, 2020
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Before you can sell on the marketplace, you need to ensure your account is warnings-free and remains so during the review process.

After you've verified that you have no active warnings, you'll need to purchase one of the following two membership levels:

Donate Member - Paid. Requires $15 on link /account/upgrades
Bronze Member - Free. Requires 5 Resources and 50 Reaction.

Upon approval through our rigorous process, you'll have the option to pay the $30 listing within 30 days of approval. Threads that have not been paid for within this time will be rejected and you will have to go through the approval process again.

Section 0: English
While your English needn't be perfect, your threads must be written in English well enough for it to be readable. You may not include any other languages in your sales thread.

Please note that if you plan on offering a content writing service, the community will judge your thread harshly by the English used in your thread. Additionally, if there are any contradictory claims made in your thread (e.g., Claiming you're a native English writer when your thread is written in broken English), we may either make you rewrite your thread or we may reject your thread.

Section 1: Rules & Content Standards Summarised

As there's understandably a lot to read here, I've created a "too long, didn't read" version of this that summarises both the marketplace rules (chapter 1) and content standards (chapter 2). If you wish to learn more about the rules and content standards, please read the other sections of chapter 1 and the entirety of chapter 2.
Include your current pricing, refund policy, and contact details in your thread.
Customers need to know exactly how much they'll be paying for your service. Remember to include the currency.
You cannot use other forums or competing marketplaces (e.g., Fiverr) as your payment processor nor can you link to them in your sales thread.
Your products and services must be of quality and priced reasonably. NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) staff will be the sole arbiters of this.
Unhappy customers need to know how and if they can get a refund.
For your contact details, do not just link to your website. It must be in the form of an email address, Skype ID, or anything similar.
Don't forget to add a buy button / CTA they need to be able to contact you to buy your offering.
Include basic service information.
We need to know exactly what you're selling. If we can't tell what you're selling, your customers won't be able to, either.
Don't post fraudulent claims or anything that can't be verified.
Claims need to be realistic and accurate; "best", "safe", "100%", "#1", "approved by Google", "Panda/Penguin safe", etc cannot be verified. Purchased links and NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) services are not "white hat" or "organic/natural".
Reviews need to be linked to their source.
Any claims regarding industry practices or your type of service (e.g., '"x" has been proven to increase rankings') must cite a reliable source that is not owned by or associated with you.
"Free" cannot be included in your sales threads if it's conditional. For example, if you're including a "Free" e-book with any purchase, it's not free. Use "bonus" instead.
Do not reclaim accounts or services you provide us.
During the review process, we keep anything you would normally send your customers in your service. If you reclaim anything after the review, your thread will be closed.
Do not mention anything that's not pertinent to your service.
As an example, if you sell VCCs or VBAs, you must specify which websites these will work on.
Do not use your sales thread as an opportunity to promote your alt coins or crypto projects.
No polls in your sales thread.
Do not lump together several unrelated services; garage sale threads are not permitted.
An example of what's allowed: Link building services and on-page services. Web design and graphic design services. YouTube likes and YouTube commenting services. Please note that this must not be excessive (e.g., 8 YouTube sub-services, 8 Twitter sub-services, etc in one thread). What is excessive is entirely up to the marketplace staff's discretion.
An example of what isn't allowed: A link building service and IG accounts. An email account service and a video editing service.
Cross-selling, even to other approved , is not permitted anywhere in their marketplace sales threads.
All services must be related to internet marketing.
Sellers are always required to provide their top-level service for the review.
This is an internet marketing forum, therefore non-IM products and services (e.g., Netflix accounts) are not permitted.
Other prohibited products and services include, but are not limited to: forums, coaching/mentoring, and illegal services. Read the TOS for more information.
Each product or service listed must be unique; you may not post the same product or service multiple times.
Hijacking sales threads is prohibited.
If you do not own or manage a specific sales thread, do not attempt to sell your own product or service in a competitor's thread.
All products and services must be approved before you sell them in your thread.
You cannot make unapproved changes to your pricing, refund policy, or any aspect of your product or service without reflecting this in the opening post of your sales thread.
You cannot sell unapproved services in your existing sales thread. If you wish to add new related services to a live sales thread, you must have your service re-reviewed.
You must own the product or service you're trying to sell.
Note that in order to verify ownership of any marketplace services, we may ask for the seller to change and verify their NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) registered email address to one that matches the domain of the website they are selling from.
Part of that ownership means that you must control every part of a service you offer. For example, if you offer a PBN link building package, you must own the PBN and not use another seller's PBN.
Freebies and Giveaways Relating To Marketplace Threads Can Be Run In Exceptional Circumstances
Requires approval from administration.
NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) will need to hold title to the items you're offering to give away.
There will be a charge for this based on the value of the giveaway, minimum $250.
Images must be added using NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) Media.
For instructions on using NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) Media, please refer to this newbie guide thread.
Do not use the attachment feature. This is not NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) Media and will result in a thread rejection.
Services cannot require personal identification.
Sellers cannot request personal IDs.
Sellers cannot request legal documents from their buyers.
Spoofed & impersonation services are prohibited.
Services falsely claiming to be associated with another service will be rejected or closed if already live.
NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) marketplace staff will be the sole arbiters of any reports regarding this rule.
Joint Venture Sales Threads Are Permitted.
Up to 2 qualifying members (i.e., Donate membership with no active warnings) may start a sales thread together.
One seller must submit the sales thread for review. The other seller must be mentioned in the sales thread for transparency purposes.
Both sellers must comply with the forum and marketplace rules. Failure to do so will result in action against both sellers and the service.
opening post "like" requests are prohibited
Requests for "likes" are not allowed in any form.
You cannot include them as a requirement in exchange for goods in your sales thread's opening post, internal posts, review copy threads, etc.
For example, "Like the opening post of my sales thread, and I'll send you a review copy"
The same sales thread is forbidden to be submitted for review more than 3 times per year
If the same sales thread is rejected after being reviewed 3 times in a row, you are forbidden to resubmit it for another year (starting from the moment of the last rejection)
This only includes rejection after an actual review of the service and excludes rejections due to Marketplace Content Standards violations
In this period of a year, you will be allowed to submit other sales threads and services, but not the one that was reviewed and rejected 3 times already
Text color guidance (Custom Light and Dark colors)
When creating your sales copy in plain text, do not use colors that blend with the background of light or dark forum themes.
For example, white/light text color becomes unreadable on a light forum theme, and custom black/dark text color becomes unreadable on a dark theme.
It's perfectly fine to use the default dark and light text colors as set by the system (they are adaptive and change in accordance with the forum theme)
The above rule does not apply to text in sales graphics
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Section 2: Include Your Pricing, Contact Details, Refund Policy, Call to Action, And Turn-Around-Time (If Applicable)
2.1: Pricing

Your pricing needs to be included in your thread, not just on your website. Your pricing should also be clearly shown in your thread and easy to find.

However, we understand that this isn't always feasible to simply list your prices with some services. A few common examples have been listed below:
If you're offering an indefinite number of bulk accounts, you may include a price range in your thread. Please note that "starting at" prices are not allowed.
If you're advertising your social media marketing panel in the marketplace, you may include a small selection of 10 or more of your services.
If you're offering a service with variable pricing (e.g., reactive ORM services), include examples of your services and how much you would charge for them.
2.2: Contact Details
Contact details such as a Skype ID or an email address need to be included in your thread. You may not only include a link to your contact page.

2.3: Refund Policy
You must include a refund policy in your thread (viewable in its entirety on your thread; not just a link to your website). Links to off-forum refund policies are not an acceptable alternative.

Please note that "no refunds" refund policies will not be accepted as they cannot be upheld in the event of a shit list, therefore you'll need to offer a refund under some kind of circumstance (e.g., if you do not deliver the article within the advertised TAT).

If you have a lengthy refund policy, then summarise it as much as you can before posting it in your thread.

The only section exempt from this rule is the affiliate programs section.

2.4: Call to action / "How to Purchase" section
You must include a section that focuses on how your customers can purchase your service or product. Depending on how simple or complex your order process is, in your "How to Purchase" section, you might include the following:
"Order through our Website"- You have a website or a landing page that you want to use in this section. Your section can look something like this:
"How To Purchase"
Step 1 - Navigate to our website and browse through our service listings.
Step 2 - Select the desired service(s) and add them to your cart.
Step 3 - Proceed to checkout and follow the prompts to complete your order.
Step 4 - Provide necessary information such as shipping address and payment details.
Step 5 - Receive a confirmation email once your order is successfully placed, and you'll hear back from a staff member within 24 hours.
"Order using our order form"- Instead of a website, you have an order form that you want to use, your section can look something like this:
"How To Purchase"
Step 1 - Fill out our order form with your contact information and desired product(s).
Step 2 - Submit the form, and our team will reach out to finalize the order details.
Step 3 - Once confirmed, we will provide payment instructions and the expected delivery time
"Contact Us To Place an Order"- You need more details from your customer, and you manually send them payment details. In this case, your section might look like this:
"How To Purchase"
Step 1 - Reach out to us via email, Telegram, or other contact methods listed below.
Step 2 - Specify the service(s) you wish to purchase and any customization preferences.
Step 3 - Our team will assist you in completing the order and generate the invoice for you.
Even if you have a more complex way of handling your orders, you must add a short "How to Purchase" section in your sales copy detailing the order-placing steps for your potential customers. Don't forget to include the necessary links to your website/order form or your contact details to make it easier for your customers to follow the instructions.

Your call to action section can be as short and simple as:
Adding "To place an order, click here"
Simply link your sales graphic to your website/order form or just add your website if you don't have sales graphic
But you still must include that.

2.5: Turnaround-Time (TAT)

You must include the Turnaround-Time (TAT) of your service if it is applicable. If the TAT may vary, then you can include a range instead of a specific deadline, and even specify what may make the delivery take longer. If a listed TAT is considered unreasonable, such as 12 months for a PBN package, then your service may be rejected on this criteria. This is not required for services where a product is being delivered instantly (Proxies or Ebooks).
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Section 3: Adding Managers To Sales Threads
If you wish to have someone manage your sales thread alongside you, then you need to ensure that the following are in order prior to allowing them to respond to customers in your sales thread:
All managers must have Jr. VIP or Marketplace Seller membership.
All managers must be mentioned in the opening post of your sales thread.
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Section 4: Thread Bumping Guidelines
You can respond to any of your customer queries as often as you'd like and even post updates to your sales thread regarding any service updates. Our marketplace bumping system means that any post you make within a 24-hour window will not appear on the homepage aka "bump" your sales thread, but will appear in your thread. This allows you to engage with customers and potential buyers in your sales thread whilst also conforming with the NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) marketplace bumping rules. This is an update for October 2020 and now part of the core marketplace functionality.

Feel free to include promotions, coupons, discounts, advertisements, or calls to action (CTAs) in your bump post. Please note that the sales thread will only be bumped once every 24 hours, no more than that.

For "thank you" types of posts, please use the React button. If you want to address multiple customers or questions in your sales thread, combine the responses in one post using the multi-quote feature.
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Section 5: Rules On Denials & Re-Submissions
Having a marketplace thread is a privilege, not a right. The marketplace staff are under no obligation to approve any thread and will reject your product or service if you offer a poor customer service experience or if it doesn't match the detail of what you're listing.

The marketplace staff are available on NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) support should you need to discuss the status of your thread. However, be courteous as pestering the staff will result in your application being denied.
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Section 6: Submitting Your Sales Thread

Chose the marketplace section that describes your service and create your thread. If you're unsure of which section your thread should go in, refer to our marketplace seller guide thread titled 'What Section Should My Marketplace Thread Go In?'.
Once you have created the final draft of your sales thread and submitted it, it will go into the moderation queue. You will receive a message from our @iModBot account with a link to manage the approval process. Make sure your thread is a final edit. If you need to edit your sales thread after it's approved, please refer to the thread edit process in Chapter 18.
Within 10 business days, you'll receive the review details from a marketplace moderator. Upon receiving review details from the reviewing moderator, you must respond to the review thread with an order confirmation within one week so that we know you're actively working on delivering your product or service. If we do not receive an order confirmation in this time frame, your thread will be rejected.
A moderator will then review your service, you must provide your top-level package or service described in your thread. If you are unable to provide this, your thread won't be approved. It's important to note that a marketplace review is meant to assess your ability to deliver your top-level package and your performance in customer service. A marketplace moderator is meant to be treated as a customer, therefore failure to provide a decent customer service experience (i.e., arguing with the moderator, tu quoque, or mod abuse) or your final product as it is advertised will result in a thread rejection.
Once you've delivered your product or service to the reviewing moderator, wait patiently to hear back from them regarding the approval or rejection of your sales thread. If your thread is approved, you will receive an auto-generated message to pay the $30 listing fee, which must be paid annually (a message will be automatically sent out 7 days before this renewal is due). Please note that the live thread will be cleared of all previous messages from the review process and set live on the marketplace forum you created.

Section 6.1: Thread Formatting
Make sure your sales thread is easy to follow and doesn't contain any redundant information. Below, I've included a common, yet simple layout based on some of the successful services that are currently in the marketplace

Background Information

Services/Products/Packages & Pricing
Contact Details
Refund Policy
How to Purchase / Call to Action

Section 6.2: Submission Cancellations
We understand that sometimes, things happens, so sellers are allowed to cancel the review at any time. However, a cancellation reason must be provided to the reviewing moderator. Examples of common cancellation reasons can be found below:

I can't afford the payment fee right now.
I want to improve my service before offering it to the public.
I've changed my mind about offering this service to the public.

Bear in mind that if a seller repeatedly cancels the same service, that our marketplace staff may reject any future submissions for that service.
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Section 7: Beta Testing Review Process
After you've submitted your thread for review, in some cases, you may be asked to post a thread in our section

This section exists as a way to give back to the community by having you, the seller, provide your top-level service to a member of the forum instead of a marketplace moderator. Be aware that this is not an easier process as a marketplace moderator will still review your service. Additionally, sellers may not request this review process under any circumstances.

If you've been asked to post a beta testing thread, then follow the review process below.
Create a thread that covers the following points:
The name of the top-level review copy you're giving away.
A clear description of what your service/product is and what the top level would provide (note: if you need the member to pay for something outside the scope of your service, be explicit - i.e. You offer WP web design services but the member wants you to use a specific paid plugin - make sure you mention that they'd have to pay for that plugin)
Any specific requirements that you might have - for example, only Jr VIP with 1000 posts or more
Wait until the Free review copy thread is reviewed and set live by Staff.
It may take a few hours, please be patient. The thread is in the approval queue and will be reviewed
Wait until a Staff member starts a group DM with 1 of the members
Be patient while we allow up to 48 hours for members to express their interest in getting a review copy
Once there are enough volunteers, the free review copy thread will be closed, and a new Group DM will be started by Staff
Any group DMs that you have started with other members will be ignored; only the one selected by Staff will be reviewed
Unless otherwise specified, this conversation should be the only one you're using to communicate with the members about the product or service. Unless explicitly allowed by NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) Staff, you may not take the conversation outside the group DM. This will lead to thread rejection
All software delivered through the group conversation requires a clean VirusTotal scan to be completed
The reviewer is advised to run any software/scripts/executable files on a virtual machine. If they don't have one, you will be requested to provide one for them.
Provide your product or service to the reviewer.
Downloads must be done using an approved file-hosting website.
You may not ask the reviewer to post in your sales thread if it goes live. The reviewer can post their review if they choose to, although it's optional for them.
Be patient with the member who volunteered and don't push them if they haven't responded within a day. Allow them up to 3-4 days to respond back to you.
Once you delivered your service, wait for the review from the member. Please do not alert us in the approval thread that you've delivered your service as we cannot review it before the customer provides their review. Give them 72 hours to review everything and write their review of your service. Once that's done, we can complete our review of your BST.
At no point may you reclaim anything provided to the reviewer.
If you wish to provide more than 1 review copy (as specified by Staff), you can do that, however, you must not invite Staff to other DMs. Staff members would only monitor and observe the one person we've selected for the review copy.
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