Website Support | Development | Reviews Rules

Bronze Member
Iron Member
Donor Member
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Guidelines for Posting and Receiving Approval for Your Website Support | Development | Reviews Thread:

You must have Donate Member or Bronze Member usergroup status.
You must be free from bans and infractions (subject to moderator approval).

Section 1: Websites
Proof of ownership over the website must be provided to the reviewing moderator.
Any monetary claims must be proven for your listing to be accepted.
Traffic claims will need to be verified.
Logos, content, and images must not be copyrighted.

Section 2: General Web Design Services
  1. Websites cannot have an plagiarised content.
  2. Websites cannot use any copyrighted images or logos.
  3. Websites must be delivered up to the standards advertised.
    • A. Bespoke web design services cannot use pre-built themes. In other words, if you're claiming to design a service entirely from scratch, we expect the theme to be custom-made as well
    • B. Wordpress theme installation must not be advertised as a web design service.
Section 3: VCCs/VBAs
  1. VCCs & VBAs must not use details or the stolen identity of any real individual. In other words, identity theft will not be tolerated.
  2. VCCs and VBAs must be loaded up with the amount advertises in your top-level package. As with any other service, we will have to test the VCC by spending the advertises amount on whichever sites you advertise that they work on. The amount will not be refunded after the review nor can you reclaim the amount in any way. Therefore, ensure the amount in your top-level package is what you're comfortable being used during the review.
Section 4: Email Lists
  1. Low bounce rate claims will be verified.
  2. Email lists must not have been obtained through hacked databases, or any other illegal method.
Section 5: Email Servers
  1. You must provide any domains or anything else we require to test this service. We will not need to keep the domain you use.
Section 6: Virtual Assistants
  1. Virtual assistants will be required to demonstrate the advertised competency.
  2. VAs cannot be forced to be VAs. In other words, any human rights violations will not be tolerated.
Section 7: E-books
  1. "Only on BHW" claims will be checked by the reviewing moderator. If the e-book can be found elsewhere, the thread will be rejected.
  2. Sellers may not resell someone else's e-book from Amazon or any other website.
  3. As is expected of any book, the written content in an e-book must be legible.
  4. E-books cannot have more than 10% of their content come up as plagiarised. Furthermore, this 10% rule is to account for quotes from other sources, not for actual plagiarism.
  5. E-books cannot contain illegal content or methods.
If your e-book contains any monetary-based claims, you must follow the rules below to submit video proof of these claims.
  • A video screen recording where you're logged into whatever platform(s) where your monetary claims are form (e.g., if the claims are from Amazon Affiliates, you must log into your Amazon Affiliates account, not your bank or PayPal account)
  • The entire browser, including the address bar, must be visible.
  • Every web page in your video must be refreshed.
  • You need to select the appropriate time period of your monetary claims (e.g., if you claim you earned $30,000 in 2020 from doing this, you must select Jan 1st, 2020 to Dec 31st, 2020)
  • All of the above must happen in one straight recording session; do not cut any part of the video.
Please note that this is not optional, and failure to follow the instructions will result in a rejection.

Section 8: Hot Deals Threads
  1. You must be the owner of the service and thread.
  2. Your offer must be at least 30% off of the package or service you are linking to.
    • Note: If you already offer a discount in your official sales thread, an additional discount of at least 30% must be applied to the final price listed there.
  3. You must state the discounted price on the coupon (the original price is optional).
  4. The coupon must link to your existing BHW marketplace thread. External links to your website or anywhere else other than BHW are prohibited.
  5. You must state if the offer applies to the whole thread or a certain package in your thread.
  6. You can keep the coupon running for as long as you like as there's no expiration date, unless stated in your coupon.
  7. All reviews included in the Hot Deals thread for the service must have been made on your original thread.
Section 9: Business Reviews Services
  1. You must state whether you will provide the content or whether the buyer is meant to provide the content.
  2. In the event that the buyer is required to provide the content, you (the seller) will still be required to provide content for the sake of the review only. In the event of an approval, you do not have to provide content to your buyers.
Section 10: Business Listing Optimisation
  1. You must provide the marketplace moderator with a report going over exactly what you changed.
  2. A verifiable before and after must be provided.
Section 11: Google Business Pins
  1. We must be able to verify that the created pins exist on Google Maps.
Section 12: Third-Party Products
There are some third-party products members try to sell on the forum. In the case of these third-party, we'll require the seller to present an official reseller's license that can be verified with the entity to prove that the seller is authorised to distribute or resell these products.

Please be aware this list is not exhaustive, these are just the most common ones user's try to submit to our marketplace.
  1. Windows products
  2. Canva
  3. Microsoft Office products
  4. ScreamingFrog products
  5. Adobe
  6. McAfee products
  7. Norton products
  8. Apple products
  9. Kaspersky products
  10. BitDefender
  11. Panda antivirus