These two people have been defrauding users in cyberspace, especially Telegram and WhatsApp, for 4 years, under the guise of selling system licenses for CPanel and Cloud Linux, etc. They have many websites for all kinds of work, from selling licenses to selling templates and other software, and phishing. I am posting a number of these scammers' websites and their emails and Telegram and WhatsApp IDs here for the benefit of users. This information is completely correct and comes with valid documents.
All these websites belong to these people and the policy behind having so many websites is that they both scam and separate the two sites and they don't scam. Why? Because the user buys their value and builds trust, meaning that with scams the user's trust decreases and when he sees these two websites that they don't scam, he trusts them and as a result, money flows from both directions to this big scam network.
If this has happened to any of your friends, I have posted all the details, even photos,numbe . name . address of these scammers on my website and Telegram channel. You can even report them to me so I can attach the file.
All these websites belong to these people and the policy behind having so many websites is that they both scam and separate the two sites and they don't scam. Why? Because the user buys their value and builds trust, meaning that with scams the user's trust decreases and when he sees these two websites that they don't scam, he trusts them and as a result, money flows from both directions to this big scam network.
If this has happened to any of your friends, I have posted all the details, even photos,numbe . name . address of these scammers on my website and Telegram channel. You can even report them to me so I can attach the file.
proof images and chat screenshot
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