OS Events Booking Pro

OS Events Booking Pro 5.0.5

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Added Task - Events Booking House Keeping plugin

This plugin allows you to create schedule tasks to clean up Events Booking database and storage like deleting old invoices, tickets, certificates, remove registration records which use online payment methods but did not process payment...

+ Events Booking - Delete Old Invoices: If you enable invoice feature in Events Booking, for each registration, the system will create a PDF invoice and store in on a folder on server...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Improve Categories Layout
Added Category Description Characters Limit parameter to allow limiting number of characters displayed for category description in the list if needed.

2. Improve Search Filter
In case you enable search filters to allow filters events by category, location, duration... at the top of event list, now you can set Show Reset Button config option to Yes to have Reset button displayed to allow users to reset the filter options

3. Improve...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Compatible With ACYMailing 10

The ACYMailing team recently release ACYMailing 10, which is a new major release of their extension. In that version, they made some backward incompatible changes, and that causes fatal error in Events Booking if you use Events Booking - AcyMailing plugin (on add/edit event and registration process). I updated the plugin to compatible with this latest version of ACYMailing, and need to release this new version of Events Booking to...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Fixed an incompatible issue with Joomla 5.2.3+

This could make custom field which you assigned to events might not be showed on registration form under certain condions.

2. Improve Frontend Registrants Management

Added feature to allow batch download invoices from registrants management in the frontend

3. Improve Events Management

Added a new column to show number of waiting list users for your events if waiting list is enabled

4. Improve Events Booking -...

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