OS Events Booking Pro

OS Events Booking Pro 5.0.5

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Compatible with Joomla 5.0 Native

Joomla 5 is planned to be released later today. We did final testing and make sure Events Booking compatible with Joomla 5.0 native (without requiring backward compatible plugin). So if you want to update your site to Joomla 5, Events Booking is already compatible

2. Improve Events Booking - Move Registrants Plugin

You can now control what event you want to enable moving waiting list users to become registrants automatically when someone...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Allow sending additional reminder emails

By default, Events Booking allows you to send up to 3 reminders emails. However, sometime, you might need to send more number of reminder emails than that. We added a hidden tool to allow you send up to 6 reminder emails. Follow instructions on this page eventbookingdoc.joomservices.com/tools#s...rt-up-to-6-reminders if you want to use up to 6 reminders...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Added Events Booking - HTTP Plugin
The plugin allow passing registrant data (registration record and it's associated event data) to external systems by passing data to the configured URL each time a registration record is created and become Paid/Published using a HTTP Post request.

2. Improve Ticket Types Plugin

- Added Min Tickets Per Booking parameter to Ticket Type. If it is set, registrants will need to register for at least that minimum number of ticket for that...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Added Auto Group Members Plugin

The plugin can be used to generate group members automatically without requiring collect group members information. It is useful when use want to generate separate PDF ticket for each purchased ticket (which can be used to check-in registrants) but do not want to ask the person who perform registrations to enter data of all these group members (save time, and make registration process less complicated). Usually, it be be used in two cases:

- You...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Compatible with Joomla 5.1.0
There were some changes in Joomla 5.1.0 which breaks some of payment plugins. We had to update our payment processing library to make sure payment process working well with Joomla 5.1 (and earlier Joomla versions). This is the most important change in this release

2. Added Events Booking - Group Member Account
This plugin allows creating Joomla user account and assign the account to the configured user groups (if you are using Joomla Groups...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Implement support for images lazy loading

We implement images lazy loading for categories and events (category and upcoming events) menu item types. By telling browsers to only load images when it is loaded, that would speed up page loading when users access to these pages on your site.

2. Compatible with Dard Mode in Joomla 5.1

There were some changes in Dark Mode implementation (which are improvements), so we need to make some changes in Events Booking to have it works...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Improve Speakers and Sponsors Plugin

Added Layout parameter to allow displaying speakers and sponsors using Slider.

2. Button to allow quickly viewing registrants of an event

Added Registrants button on add/edit event screen to allow clicking on to view registrants of the current being edited event.

3. Bugs Fixed

- Handle Metadata properly on category and event page.
- Allow choosing List and Grid layouts to Layout parameter on...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Drop Support For Joomla 3

- Raise minimum PHP requirement to 7.4.0
- Raise minimum Joomla version requirement to 4.2.0
- Clean up code, remove the code which is needed to support Joomla 3
- Use latest Joomla API available for Joomla 4.2.0+
- Drop Support For Twitter Bootstrap 2 and Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Convert plugins in the extension to use Subscriber Interface (available on Joomla 4+), thus make these plugins work faster

We will still maintain support for Joomla 3, but mostly bugs...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Events Booking Pro with a new update entry:


1. Improve SQL field type

Allow setting Prompt Text (use as the first option for the field). For example, if you create custom field to display list of users, you can set Prompt Text to Select User to make it more clear for your users.

2. Allow controlling when to show Number Registered Users for your event

Sometime, you only want to show Number Registered User for your event it is greater than certain value (you do not want visitors know that the event...

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