Marketplace Rules

Bronze Member
Iron Member
Donor Member
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Guidelines for Posting and Receiving Approval for Your Marketplace Thread:
You must have Donate Member or Bronze Member usergroup status.

You must be free from bans and infractions (subject to moderator approval).

Your product/service must comply with all NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) rules, including but not limited to, no forums, no coaching, no illegal services. Check the rules before deciding on a thread.

Your thread should include clear pricing, contact details and refund policies.

Your product and service must be of quality and priced reasonably. NB(NULLBY) NP(NULLPRO) BN(BYNULL) staff will be the sole arbiters of this.

Anyone who is controlling or perceived to be controlling a marketplace thread / working on a JV with you must have the required Donate Member or Bronze Member usergroup status to do so.

There is not an annual fee to maintain your marketplace thread, but you can not edit when it was pulished.

Unrelated services may not be bundled and will be rejected at mods discretion.

To ensure continuity and quality, the service provided in the thread must belong to you, we don't allow resellers or affiliate links - see Affiliate Links under Terms.

Each product listed must be unique you may not post the same product multiple times.