[Xon] Password Tools

[Xon] Password Tools 3.10.0

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Author newimage
Creation date
  • Dramatically reduce redistributable size by trimming unneeded files
  • php 8.1 compatibility fix
  • Reduce queries when triggering forced email 2fa
  • Prevent rare DuplicateKeyException when forcing email 2fa and multiple tabs are being used
Thanks to @NamePros for sponsoring this update.
  • Update compromised password alert text to be less awkward
  • On updating passwords, remove any compromised password alerts to avoid user confusion
  • Add "Force email two factor authentication on compromised password" option (default disabled)
  • Add "Pwned password minimum count (soft)" option.
    This allows a user to change a password to a known compromised value which is under a given number of known hits. This still generates compromised password alerts
  • Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php, or known global functions to avoid a current namespace lookup for the function.
  • Add "On login; alert the user if they have a known compromised password" option (default enabled)
  • Add "Minimum time between triggering compromised password alerts on login" option (default 24 hours)