- Added "WooCommerce Notices" element to Single Product Builder for displaying notices in the
product template
- Added option to disable "Order Attribution" WooCommerce feature in "Theme Options - Performance"
- Added Swedish translation pack (sv_SE.po)
- Added compatibility with Elementor 3.19.x DOM
- Improved compatibility with WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor
- Improved compatibility with YITH Wishlist Premium Plug-in
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version
- Updated TheGem Blocks plugin for compatibility with PHP 8.3
- Updated TheGem Demo Import plugin
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder
- Updated Revolution Slider
- Updated LayerSlider
- Templates Builder for search results page: create custom layout designs for your search results page
- Loop Item templates for built-in archive and search results grid/list: create custom loop item designs and apply to built-in archive pages and search results
- Global sections - HTML shortcode added: insert global sections anywhere in your website (in code, in any text editor) via the HTML shortcode
- Additional "New" products display method added
- “Recently Viewed Products” added: display products recently viewed by your customers anywhere in your shop
- Product attribute swatches - new type "Image Swatches" added: easily turn any product attribute to image swatches
- Product custom fields added to “Grid Filter” and “Grid Sorting” elements: filter your product catalogs using any product meta fields (ACF, Toolset, TheGem custom fields and any other type of product meta fields)
- New image sizes added to product grids, post extended grids, portfolio grids
- Templates Builder: preview settings for single product and product archive templates added in page builders
- Product Gallery: “Show Thumbnails on Mobiles” option added
- "WooCommerce Add to Cart Hook" setting added to shop grid and product grids/carousels for better compatibility with third party plugins
- Digital Agency 02
- Startup Solutions Consulting
- Start-Up Business 02
- Software, SaaS
- ICO Landing (Dark)
- New performance optimization settings added
- WPML compatibility for TheGem Custom Fields improved
- "Clients" content element: alt attributes for images added
- GDPR module: privacy notice for Elementor's video widget added
- Improved performance in TheGem thumbnail generator
- WPBakery, Title Area Templates: Post Featured Image added as background type option in "Background Container" element
- Elementor, Title Area Templates: Post Featured Image added as dynamic tag for backgrounds
- PageSpeed improvements for buttons and mobile search
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce Germanized version
- Dutch language added (nl_NL)
- Compatibility with the latest WordPress version
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version
- LayerSlider updated
- Revolution Slider updated
- Elementor page builder updated
- WPBakery page builder updated
- Fix for “close overlay menu on click” behavior in one pager
- Fix for cart icon display in products legacy classic grid
- WPML compatibility fix for the search results page
- Product gallery (horizontal and vertical thumbs): fix for the thumbnail sizes
- Fix for displaying post extended grid in fullpage vertical scroller
- Minor fix for the "Excluded JavaScript Files" setting in “Delay JavaScript execution”
- Minor fix for the empty cart behavior after removing all products from the cart
- Fix for "popular posts" in case of using WPML
- Fix for grid filters in case of WPML and multilingual custom fields (posts extended grid, products grid, portfolio grid)
- Blog Grid, Blog List: fix for "Ignore sticky posts" setting
- Elementor: fix for fullpage scroller in case containers are used instead of sections
- Minor fix for displaying title and excerpt on the search results page
- Compatibility fix for CheckoutWC plugin
- Fix for "Hide out of stock products" setting after filtering
- This update contains important security fixes. We strongly recommend updating
- Real Estate Agency & Listing
- Compatibility with the latest WordPress version
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version
- Elementor page builder updated
- Added: option to display title area on pages set as “Posts page” in WordPress settings
- WooCommerce, product grids and lists: fix for displaying “add to cart” button for bundled and grouped products
- WooCommerce, AJAX live search: fix for SKU search
- WooCommerce: fix for editing product content in the latest WooCommerce and WPBakery versions
- WooCommerce: fix for product variations (error in $form.data('product_variations'))
- WPBakery, Project Info element: fix for setting dynamic links from “project details” custom fields
- Fix for JQuery deprecated
- Fix for Google amp story module
- WPML, Polylang: fix for setting different parent pages for portfolio items in different language versions (Theme Options - Single Pages - Portfolio Page - Parent Page for Portfolio Items)
- Multiple minor WooCommerce fixes
- Compatibility update for the latest WooCommerce version
- WPML: compatibility update for translating the empty cart templates built with TheGem templates builder
- Fullpage Scroller: compatibility with Elementor's flexbox containers
- Parallax Backgrounds: compatibility with Elementor's flexbox containers
- Fullpage Scroller: full width and full height row settings set by default in WPBakery
- Revolution Slider updated
- LayerSlider updated
- Elementor Page Builder updated
- Fix for metro galleries used in tabs
- Elementor: Fix for light menu & logo in sticky header
- Fix of PHP errors in metaboxes for deprecated post type "news"
- Elementor, title area builder: Fix of PHP error in dynamic tag "Post/Page Rich Title"
- Elementor: fix of endless preloader in case of missing Revolution Slider
- Elementor: fix for testimonials used in fullpage scroller
Updates & Improvements:
- Compatibility update for the latest Google SiteKit and Yoast SEO versions
- Revolution Slider updated
- Elementor Page Builder updated
- WPBakery Page Builder updated
- Compatibility update for the older PHP versions
- "Scroll to top" update for AJAX pagination in compact blog lists
Bug Fixes:
- WPBakery: minor fix for displaying post description in blog lists in case of "load more" and "infinite scroll" pagination
- Minor fix in portfolio grid filters
- Portfolio list: fix for displaying videos in the lightbox
- Minor fix for video background in title area
- Single Product Builder: fix for correct sort order of product custom tabs in single product templates
- Single Post Builder: fix for sticky columns
- WooCommerce: minor fixes for elements styles on legacy product page
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce update
- Revolution Slider and LayerSlider plugins updated
- WooCommerce: performance improvement in search by SKU
- WooCommerce: performance improvement in price filters
- Elementor: query selector control for manual selection of products and posts in grids for better performance
- Contact Form 7: fixes for paragraphs in forms
- WPBakery: fix in fullpage scroller for compatibility with the latest WPBakery version
- Header Builder: fix in sticky header
- Elementor: fix for deprecated hooks and functions
- Search: fix in numeric search
- Featured Posts Slider: fix for manual selection of posts
- WPBakery, Product Categories element: fix for bottom border radius
- Elementor, Product Categories element: fix for content alignment inside the grid item
- Elementor, Product Carousel: fix for gaps settings
- WooCommerce, request a quote: fix conditions for correct linking WooCommerce css files
- Improved compatibility with Dokan and WCFM Marketplace multi-vendor plugins
- Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce update
- Improved compatibility with WPML plugin in TheGem Templates Builder
- RTL improvements in built-in cart & checkout templates
- WooCommerce - Theme Options & Page Options: control for changing "Size Guide" text added
- Electronics Store
- Shop Electronics
- Bakery Shop
- WooCommerce, product page: minor fix for correct centering of color swatches in case only two colors are displayed
- Templates Builder: fix for blog archives templates to be applied on date archives
- Header Builder: minor fix for removing "Show this page" submenu item on desktop submenus
- Minor fix in product carousel element
- Fix for sale label in product grids and product carousel
- Products grid: fix for product titles being truncated in default grid settings
- Product list: fix for correct displaying of ajax filter in archive templates after filtering
- Fix for ajax "add to cart" in quick view
- Elementor: fix for "register_widget_type" deprecated
- RTL fix for correct displaying of "Product list" sidebar widget in WooCommerce sidebar
- Theme Options: fix for "Placeholder Text" control for "dropdown" search layout&
- Minor fix for blog timeline layout
-- Build engaging popups in any imaginable designs. Fast & easy. With page builder of your choice: Elementor or WPBakery
-- Use any content elements available in page builder
-- Smart Triggers: specify triggers to show popups in the right moment. Add and combine multiple triggers matching your marketing requirements: On page load, On scroll, On exit, On click, After inactivity
-- Advanced Options: add additional options like "show after x page views", "show up to x times", "popup delay", "scroll direction" etc. to enhance the user experience
-- Display Options: choose where to include your popup. Activate your popup for the entire website or exclude it from specific parts. Specify on which pages, posts, archives, post types the popups should be shown.
-- Display Position: specify different popup positions across different devices.
-- Separate Devices: define on which devices to show your popup: desktops, tablets, mobiles. Show different popups on different devices. Apply different popup styling options across different devices.
-- "On Click" Popups Anywhere: activate "on click" popups for any content elements on your page - buttons, links, banners etc. Add promotions, subscriptions, contacts and custom menus anywhere on your website - for example as buttons in header, content or footer.
-- 40+ Animations: choose from different entrance and exit animations with different directions.
-- 50+ pre-built engaging popup templates with one-click import feature
"** Version 5.6.1 - October 10th, 2022
- fix for sticky column on product page
- single product builder: fix for customer reviews link
- header builder, cart icon: fix for custom icon size