TheGem - Best Creative MultiPurpose High Performance WordPress Theme

TheGem - Best Creative MultiPurpose High Performance WordPress Theme Nulled

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Updates & Improvements:
Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce
- Design & Branding Agency (dark and light versions), Fullservice Digital Agency (dark and light versions), Digital Agency Onepager, Advertising Agency

- Added customization options for the "Scroll to Top" button in Theme Options
- Added Polylang support in the Header Builder - Language Switcher element
- Added relative date format for the Post Meta element (date, date updated)
- Added settings for custom image aspect ratio in the Gallery Slider element
- Added submenu indicator option for the built-in header
- Added support for Elementor's "Element Caching" option for content elements
- Added auto-exclusion of GDPR elements from Elementor's "Element Caching" option
- Added automatic removal of excluded terms in all grid filters
- Added Bluesky and Houzz social icons
- Added display of username in the "Sign In / Sign Out" content element
- Added WPML and Polylang support for the built-in "Thank You / Purchase Summary" WooCommerce checkout page
- Improved GDPR settings for Google Maps

- Fixed correct loading of styles when the GDPR module is enabled/disabled
- Fixed minor compatibility issues with WPML and Polylang plugins
- Fixed compatibility issues with the latest version of the WCFM Marketplace plugin
- Fixed correct display of stock amount when a single product template is used
- Fixed correct display of grouped products in the "Add to Cart" element when a single product template is used
- Fixed PHP warning in the Gallery Grid element
- Creative Agency (dark and light versions), SEO Agency

- Updated Google Fonts in Theme Options with new fonts added
- Improved support for TTF and WOFF2 fonts in TheGem’s Self-Hosted Fonts module
- Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce and Elementor
- Improved compatibility with the Polylang plugin in TheGem Templates Builder
- Added responsive options for frame settings in "Body Frame" website layout

- Fixed the "Truncate Title" setting in the Portfolio Grid element
- Resolved a minor visual issue with the "Perspective" navigation type
- Fixed the Progress Donut element when used within tabs and accordions
- Corrected the disabling of styles and scripts in the GDPR module when GDPR is disabled
- Fixed loading of TheGem icon library in the "Menu" element in Header Builder
- WooCommerce: Fixed duplicate wishlist icon display in legacy product grids
- WooCommerce: Fixed the "Clear selection" button functionality after selecting product variations in the quick view popup
- WooCommerce: Fixed an error notice in the product gallery when a product image is removed
- Header Builder: Applied a minor compatibility fix in the "Menu" content element
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Ensured compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. Elementor and WPBakery security fixes released. Please make sure to update.

- Mobile Navigation Builder:
-- Create custom layouts for mobile navigation using Elementor or WPBakery to elevate your website’s mobile experience
-- Use any content elements available in the page builder
-- Includes 5+ pre-built mobile navigation templates with a one-click import feature
- Portfolio Archives: added the option to enable portfolio archive pages in Theme Options with built-in layouts or custom archive templates
- "Custom Menu" Element: introduced additional settings for submenu items
- Dynamic Popup: added a simple way to assign popups to any links via dynamic tags. Popups can now be triggered with any link
- Dynamic Lightbox: added a "Dynamic Lightbox" feature that allows linking elements to images or videos, which open in a lightbox

- Job Board Listing, Online Courses, Dental Care

- Added a "Truncate Title" option to the products grid, product carousel content elements, and shop grid settings
- Added an "HTML Tag" setting for product titles on product pages
- Fullpage Scroller: Added "Footer Slide Anchor" and "Footer Slide Name" settings for the footer area
- Added a "1x" column setting to the "Posts Carousel" element
- Added an "8x" column setting to the "Product Categories" element ( Elementor, WPBakery )
- Added a "Scrollbar Gutter Stability" setting to prevent content layout shifts when the scrollbar appears
- Added the "Search Form" and "Sign In/Sign Out" elements to "General Elements," making it available for use in any content type
- TheGem Demo Import: added an one-click installation of required plugins in shop and listings demos
- Plugin Updates: TheGem Blocks, Elementor, WPBakery, Revolution Slider, LayerSlider

- Fixed compatibility issues with the latest version of WordPress, Elementor and WPBakery (make sure to update)
- Resolved an issue with the thumbnail arrow in the "Gallery Slider" element for correct display in Chrome
- Elementor: Fixed interactions, parallax effects and GDPR module when Elementor's element caching feature is enabled
- Fixed the display of the off-canvas content area when enabled for built-in header types in Theme Options
- Fixed the display of the legacy classic shop grid
- Elementor: Fixed the trigger for "body start," ensuring it fires correctly
- Ensured compatibility with the latest version of the YITH Wishlist plugin and WPML plugin
- Applied minor fixes for compatibility with the Relevanssi plugin and the latest Polylang plugin
no change log for this version on link
IMPORTANT UPDATE: WooCommerce Compatibility and Elementor Security Fixes Released. Please make sure to update.

Interior Design, Branding Agency, Shop Jewelry, Medical Directory/Listing

- Added support for "Teams" and "Testimonials" post types in "Posts Extended Grid" and "Posts Carousel" queries. You can now display team members and testimonials using these versatile grid and carousel content elements
- Added the option to enable single team member pages and team archives in Theme Options
- Added the ability to use loop item templates built with TheGem Templates Builder to display custom designs for team members and testimonials in loops
- Extended the built-in custom fields for team members and testimonials with dynamic TheGem custom fields
- Added hierarchical portfolio categories, allowing unlimited sub-levels to the portfolio category structure
- Added responsive options for adjusting the width of the off-canvas content area in header builder
- Introduced additional padding settings for menu items in custom menu element

- Restored the classic appearance of the portfolio categories metabox
- Posts Extended Grid and Posts Carousel Elements: Added buttons for creating, editing, and inserting loop item templates
- WooCommerce: Improved compatibility, display, and functionality of the native WooCommerce product gallery on product pages. Ensured compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version
- Elementor & WPBakery: Improved the transition effect for sticky containers and rows
- Plugins Updated

- Fixed responsive settings for image positioning in "Image" element
- Fixed parallax backgrounds in sections if lazy loading for backgrounds is activated
- Resolved the preg_split() deprecation error in Posts Extended Grid
- Corrected the display of the metro grid on iOS devices
- Fixed loading animations and double navigation issues on mobile devices in Gallery Grid element
- Fixed interaction effects when the “Element Caching” option is enabled in Elementor
- Elemenetor - Single Product Builder: Fixed preview of product content in “Description” tab
- Applied minor RTL fixes for the “Product Carousel” element
- Fixed issue with clickable client items in "Clients" element
- Fixed issues with the display of dynamic tags in the loop item builder
- Deprecated DOMSubtreeModified event removed and replaced for compatibility with the new versions of Chrome browser. Please make sure to update prior to the end of July, 2024.

Templates Builder:
- Added option to apply specific single post templates to all posts of a selected taxonomy term
- Added option to apply specific single product templates to all products of a selected product taxonomy term
- Added "Post Gallery" dynamic source option to "Gallery Grid" and "Gallery Slider" elements
- Added display of image swatches to product filters and product grids
- Added additional tooltip option for displaying image swatches
- Added display of review counts in product grids/lists
Header, Title Area, Fullpage Scroller:
- Added separate "Header Overlap" setting for mobiles
- Added sticky container option for Elementor containers
- Fullpage: Added color settings for navigation dots
- Title Area: Added option to enable/disable display of post excerpt
- Gallery Grid: Added "Equal height" option for "Fullsize" image sizes
- Post Extended Grid, Portfolio Grid: Added "Default filter: Hide Empty Filters" option for shared taxonomies

- Real Estate Agency & Listing 02
- Fullpage Creative Portfolio 01
- Fullpage Creative Portfolio 02
- Fullpage Creative Portfolio 03

- Added new prebuilt blocks for Team, Footer, and Contact
- Ensured compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version
- Updated sliders for compatibility with the latest SR7 update of Revolution Slider
- Updated for compatibility with the latest Elementor version
- Updated for compatibility with the latest WPBakery version
- WPML: Applied several updates for increased compatibility
- WPBakery, Elementor, Revolution Slider & LayerSlider plugins updated

- Elementor containers: Fixed missing video background dynamic tag in templates builder
- Elementor, dynamic tags: Fixed several issues with displaying ACF dynamic fields
- Onepager: Fixed correct display of the active main menu item
- WooCommerce, single product builder: Fixed correct application of TinyMCE styles in "Product Short Description" content element
- Fullpage Scroller: Fixed issues with closing and correct displaying of navigation
- Fullpage Scroller: Fixed sticky header issue
- WPML: Fixed correct filtering in grids for multilingual filters
- One-click optimization: Fixed wishlist icon in header
- Templates Builder: Fixed correct importing of the prebuilt cart templates
- Loop Builder: Added WooCommerce content elements. Create custom loop item designs for shop product loops
- 7 pre-built shop loop item templates added
- Title Area Builder: New dynamic elements for page/post title, excerpt, featured image and more added to the title area builder
- Preview settings for title area templates added in page builders
- 10 new pre-built title area templates added
- Archives Builder: Added pre-built templates for search results page
- TheGem Blocks updated. Major update of pre-built TheGem Blocks: added new blocks for eCommerce, FAQ, Clients, Call to action, Services, Testimonials, About Us, Pricing Tables, Counters, Contact, Footer
- New pre-built demos: Sushi Bar (WooCommerce), Mobile App Landing

- Added "Default Paddings" option to Elementor flexbox containers to maximize compatibility with default TheGem paddings and gaps used for sections and columns in previous Elementor versions
- Improved compatibility with the latest WPML and ACF Multilingual versions for all TheGem content widgets in Elementor, project details and TheGem custom fields
- Improved accessibility and SEO for all grid elements
- Added option to close hamburger menu navigation on ESC
- Added option to show collapsible submenus on click for vertical menu layout in "Custom Menu" element
- Ensured compatibility with the latest versions of Elementor, WooCommerce, and WordPress
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder plugin & Revolution Slider plugin (security vulnerabilities fixes), Elementor & LayerSlider plugin

- Fixed functionality issues with "Reverse Columns" and "Custom Breakpoints" (Elementor)
- Fixed formatting display in product short description for Product List and Product Grid elements
- Fixed social sharing in templates created with TheGem templates builder
- Fixed JSON encoding and usage of Cyrillic letters in "Additional Tabs" feature (WooCommerce)
- Fixed applying of product archive templates to product attributes and product tags archives (WooCommerce)
- Fixed display issues in mega menu templates used in header templates built with flexbox containers (Elementor)
- Fixed language switcher header element for better compatibility with the latest WPML version
- Fixed "Equal Height" setting in Posts Extended Grid element in case loop item template is used (Elementor)
- Fixed lazy loading animations of button element in Fullpage Scroller
- Fixed "Truncate description" setting in Blog List and Blog Grid
- Fixed "Autoscroll" setting in “Clients” element (Elementor)
- Fixed compatibility issues with Polylang plugin and WP Offload Media plugin
Updates & Improvements:

Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version

Bug Fixes:

Fixed footer activation and display in Fullpage Scroller
Fixed deprecated functions (php 8.3.x) in WP dashboard
Bug Fixes:
Fixed detection of WooCommerce plugin for "Theme Options - WooCommerce" settings section
Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version