Quick Theme Switcher

Quick Theme Switcher 1.0.1

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  1. 2.2.x
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Quick Theme Switcher

Have your Forums consist of multiple themes?
Do you want to provide the functionality to your users to select their preferred theme? ?

For Xenforo Lovers, Forumcube has launched the "Quick Theme Switcher" Addon this year Theme switcher is pretty easy to use, facile configuration, and hasty.

What's extra special in ForumCube Theme Switcher?
Quick Theme Switcher is suitable for any forum along with many different abilities that allow you to toggle themes easily with just a single click.

Get your steak on! let your visitors switch between the themes seamlessly.

Administrator Features
1. Simple options.
2. Font awesome supported icons.
3. Single click toggle option.
4. Easy to configure and easy to setup.

User Features
1. Quick theme switcher provides functionality to switch/toggle between the desired theme.
2. Provides simple toggle switch icons to allow users to make their own choice
3. Users can experience different themes from the front-end.

Coming Soon Features
1. Quick Theme Switcher will provide the ability to set the timeline for any theme on user preferences to change the theme automatically or load the theme on their timezone preferences.
2. Give the ability of quick switching among multiple themes. Don't stick between two themes.
Be Ready For Play

We help to build Custom Communities & Forums for major clients across all sectors and solve your Project's Problems with our enthusiastic Team Services.
Extention type
File size
5.5 MB
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