- [FIXED] Youtube Live Video Playback Issue
- [FIXED] Youtube Video Playback Issue
- [IMPROVED] In-app Search Functionality
- [ADDED] Welcome mail on/off switch
- [ADDED] Google Play billing system for subscription
- [ADDED] Exchange rate system for Uddoktapay to convert other currency to local
- [ADDED] Exchange rate system for bKash to convert other currency to local
- [ADDED] Stream Sources
-- Vidhide
- [UPDATED] Wortise SDK Version
- [FIXED] IMDB Details(rating, cast) fixed and improved fetching system
- [ADDED] Crypto Payment Gateway
-- Coingate
- [FIXED] Movie details screen crashes when the user gets back from the player screen
- [IMPROVED] Episode subtitle system, now admin can add separate subtitles for separate streams for a single episode
- [FIXED] Episode subtitle loading issue
- [FIXED] Crashes in movie details and web series details page when getting back from the player screen
- [REMOVED] Server stats from the admin panel
- [REMOVED] gogoanime scrap (their internal API is down so we have nothing to do, we have only removed the scrap option, the gogoanime stream extractor will be there with other providers)
- [REMOVED] Topcenema scrap (it's hard to maintain it as their stream links change very frequently)
- [IMPROVED] Stream Sources
-- gogoanime
- [FIXED] Google Drive Proxy Player
- [UPDATED] Update to support PHP 8.4+
- [IMPROVED] Improved Licence verification system
- [FIXED] Youtube Video Playback Issue
- [FIXED] Trailer Video Playback Issue
- [FIXED] Add to favorite issue
- [FIXED] Spin kit android library issue
- [FIXED] Navigation bar overlap
- [FIXED] Tableview Android Library issue
- [FIXED] Custom In-app update issue with play console (Read Documentation)
- [FIXED] Gradle build error
- [FIXED] Dependencies sync error
- [FIXED] IMDB Details Fetching issue in contents details page
- [FIXED] Android Studio build error
- [FIXED] Admob App Crash Issue
- [FIXED] Fixed Youtube Stream
- [ADDED] YouTube as download source
- [FIXED] App crash on splash screen
- [IMPROVED] Vidsrc supports multiple servers
- [ADDED] 1DM Download Manager support (supports secure download URL)
- [FIXED] Fixed live TV genre premium content crashing issues solved
- [FIXED] Fixed Search premium content crashing issues solved
- [FIXED] Fixed StartApp Ads
- [ADDED] Added Wortise Ads support
- [ADDED] Added Vidsrc Autostream support (Contents must be added through TMDB/IMDB to make it work)
- [FIXED] Gogoanime Scrapper
- [FIXED] Topcinema Scrapper
- [IMPROVED] Improved FFMPEG Extention to Play Unsupported Audio.
- [FIXED] Fixed Prefer Extention Renderer to enable Disable FFMPEG EXTENTION
- [FIXED] Fixed Software Codec to enable disable DecoderFallback to Software Codec
- [IMPROVED] Improved Player Brightness Slider Now it Can remember its Position so users Do not have to change it every time
- [IMPROVED] Added option to make the video fullscreen, fit screen, and best fit
- [ADDED] Imgbb Storage Provider to handle all contents images
- [ADDED] Add contents by searching its Title ( You will get both options Search by Title or ID)
- [ADDED] Support for PHP v8.0+ (v8.0, v8.1, v8.2, v8.3)
- [IMPROVED] Installer and updater system
- [IMPROVED] Licence verification system (You have to register your licence key with our CRM)