Forminator Pro - WPMU DEV Forminator Pro

Forminator Pro - WPMU DEV Forminator Pro 1.32.0 Nulled

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Improvement: Minor improvements in copy
- Fix: Submit button remains disabled after fixing the required field error
- Fix: Duplicate submissions on paginated forms if the stipe field is present
- Fix: Security fixes
- Fix: Uploading a single file is prevented by the payments field, resulting in a 404 error
- Fix: HTML field content is stripped of anchor tag target property
- Improvement: The upload path has been updated for enhanced security
- Fix: Security improvements
- Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.0
- Improvement: Support repeated groups of fields with Webhook and GSheet integrations
- Improvement: Use Repeater in Calculation field
- Improvement: Provide a horizontal placement option for multiple field names
- Fix: Calculations field in repeater groups use only the first item used in the formula, not the items in that group
- Fix: Submission export breaks when fields aren't filled out
- Fix: Unable to select files when Multiple File Upload field is repeated and Form is Loaded using Ajax
- Fix: Having more than one Field Group and disabling Repeater in settings does not change the Minimum Repeater Limit
- Fix: Only the first item in the required field is validated when the field is repeated and the form does not have inline validation
- Fix: When Form is loaded using Ajax and Hustle popup has a form embedded that also has a number field, custom limits values do not work
- Fix: Validation error for required checkbox disappears for first group item when Form is Load using ajax
- Fix: Required option does not allow to submit form when field group is hidden due to visibility rule
- Fix: Group visibility is not applied to child fields, it causes error if the subfields are required and doesn't allow the submission
- Fix: Missing data on submission page and in CSV files
- Fix: Paypal field still accepts payments even if there's an error on Forms
- Fix: Forminator JavaScript loops
- Fix: Number field does not show Limits both custom error messages on Forms
- Fix: Same field ID of multiple forms on a single page
- Fix: Submission behaviour has a blank space added on redirect URL behaviour
- Fix: Redirect to URL containing space between Query Parameters get stripped
- Fix: Checkbox required message not showing up if at first if inline validation enabled
- Fix: Hubspot selected Items are added but invisible in ticket description
- Fix: Forminator inline CSS is overriding the pagination footer
- Fix: Featured Image not showing proper in Preview with None feature
- Fix: Create new quiz popup options is misaligned
- Fix: The email field is not aligned on the Submissions page
- Fix: Visibility rules from repeater field overwrite rules in second items
- Fix: Stripe field still accepts payments even when there's an error on Forms
- Fix: Incorrect usage of aria-describedby
- Fix: Fatal Error on submitting form when Integration has condition using Date
- Fix: All phone number validations reset to Afghanistan after plugin update
= v1.21.0 ( 2022-11-28 ) =
- Fix: Security improvements
- Fix: Lead submissions to an unpublished quiz
- Fix: Signature field does not work on Divi Popups
- Fix: Stripe field not visible in pop-ups with on-click triggers
- Fix: MailChimp Tags Modal window doesn't appear for quizzes
- Fix: Phone field "National" validation fails when entering a valid international number
- Fix: If Akismet protection is enabled, the form will display a warning when the Signature field is submitted
- Fix: Redirect after submission isn't working
- Fix: API method for adding polls isn't working
- Fix: It is only possible to pre-populate a query variable if the option is set to 'Selected'
- Fix: Uncaught exception for Mailchimp causes a fatal error
- Fix: Register/login links disappear after submission
- Fix: Multiselect email routing bug
- Fix: Content filed in the Post Data field doesn't work with save and continue
- Fix: The thousands separator is not working in email when using the {calc-ID} macro
- Fix: Although calculations is disabled for a Number field, it is still used in calculations
- Fix: The ampersand (&) sign is counted as 5 characters instead of 1
- Fix: Bypass adding the required email notification recipient
- Fix: Error when adding an ampersand (&) sign as a Checkbox option value
- Fix: PayPal shows an error message when adding multiple forms with a PayPal button on the same page
- Fix: An extra "+" character is added to phone number upon submission if the number is incorrect
- Fix: Performing calculations on two number fields are initially out of sync when using the increase/decrease buttons
- New: Scheduled report notifications
- Improvement: Custom Variable selections includes Number fields
- Fix: Quiz preview modal doesn't work
- Fix: Knowledge quiz email notification values for From Name, Reply-to email, CC emails, and BCC emails don't work
- Fix: No Pagination is not set as the quiz presentation type if you use the back button on the quiz creation modal window
- Fix: HubSpot and AWeber Identifier aren't working
- Fix: The "Jordanian Dinar – JOD" is missing from the Payment Currency list
- Fix: Typo on the links for Invisible hCaptcha
- Fix: Submission indicator doesn't work when a validation error occurs
- Fix: Select option values aren't trimmed for visibility conditions
- Fix: Can't create new forms via the dashboard page due to an update notification popup
- Fix: Timepicker limit not working
- Fix: Empty submission value when setting the Submission ID as a default value for a hidden filed
- Fix: Conditional rules don't work when setting the Default Value of the Hidden field to Query Parameter
- Fix: Error when Routing is based on a checkbox field
  • New: Field group
  • New: Repeater for field group
  • Improvement: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance
  • Improvement: Change "Setup" to "Set Up" in all modal windows
  • Fix: When high contrast mode is enabled, the dropdown form selector displays as usual
  • Fix: Bulk Actions do not have Publish/Unpublish options
  • Fix: Field value is empty when the condition includes a checkbox with capital letters
  • Fix: Recaptcha issue with Complianz plugin
  • Fix: Issues with dropdown values
  • Fix: Issues with quizzes on mobile
  • Fix: Poll Result does not display after submission
  • Fix: Some languages have misaligned fields
  • Fix: Accessibility issue in Forminator Export Area
  • Fix: Windows high contrast mode accessibility issue
  • Fix: Signature field breaks PayPal
  • Fix: UI issues when high contrast mode is enabled
  • Fix: Receive multiple submissions when clicking the submit button several times
  • Fix: Emails added in the email notification tab are deleted when Save and Continue is disabled
  • Fix: CSV export file size is 3 bytes despite having entries
Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.18.2 Nulled Free
= v1.18.2 ( 2022-09-28 ) =

- Improvement: Membership detection
Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.18.1 Nulled Free
September 9, 2022 - v1.18.1
Fix: Registration form not submitted due to password mismatch
Fix: Form does not submit with Stripe field in the same row as other fields
Fix: Reports increase in percentage arrows are red instead of green