Forminator Pro - WPMU DEV Forminator Pro

Forminator Pro - WPMU DEV Forminator Pro 1.32.0 Nulled

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Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.18.0 Nulled Free
= v1.18.0 ( 2022-09-05 ) =
- New: Forminator Reports to help with tracking performance of forms, polls, and quizzes
- Add: Admin email Macro {admin_email}
- Improvement: Convert Zapier integration to Webhook integration
- Improvement: Additional appearance settings for Input Border Radius and Hover Colours
- Improvement: Replace Select placeholder default "null" to "Search"
- Fix: Checkboxes and selects do not save multiple selections separately
- Fix: A float cannot be used as a number if inline validation is disabled
- Fix: The time picker checks on time limits in real-time
- Fix: The checkbox fields aren't showing up as checked
- Fix: Conditions apply when the visibility rules are set to Hidden
- Fix: Validation of email fields is not disabled
- Fix: Safari does not support e-signature
- Fix: Conditions not working for the address field
- Fix: Can't clear date limits for the Datepicker field
- Fix: Error when Site Registration is enabled on the registration form
- Fix: Issue with ACF and file upload field in the registration form
- Fix: Going out of range for the number field when using the up/down arrow keys
- Fix: Selecting a default future date does not show the correct date for specific date formats
- Fix: Visibility conditions don't work when adding the Stripe field and not connecting it
- Fix: A calculation field's 'hidden' setting is overridden if a 'visibility' condition has been set previously and not deleted
- Fix: The PayPal and Stripe fields do not appear in Divi's popup
- Fix: Issue with Stripe 3D secure payment
- Fix: Load form Ajax conflict with SEOpress plugin
- Fix: the e-signature is not saved after submission
- Fix: PayPal displays an error when two different forms with PayPal buttons are added to the same page
- Fix: Max and Min Limits are not working when setting a number field as required
- Fix: Address field does not work with query parameters
- Fix: Stripe field doesn't exist error
- Fix: Values for select fields are not saved when visibility is dependent on a checkbox
- Fix: Error when input field visibility is dependent on a select box
- Fix: Limit validation fails for the Currency field when using some formatting separators
- Fix: Form Email Routing does not work with recipients added from Select or Radio buttons
- Fix: Visibility conditions fail for a Textarea field dependant on Currency and Calculations fields
- Fix: Failing to validate numeric fields in some cases
- Fix: The country flags are broken in the phone field on mobile devices
- Fix: The country code does not appear for the default country
- Fix: Symbols do not work with Stripe metadata
- Fix: Checkbox pre-selected option is removed when its visibility is dependent on another field
- Fix: The year select dropdown displays the current year instead of "Select year" when the Datepicker field type is set to dropdown and the Year Range 'To' filed is set to a future date
- Fix: Stripe field does not work with visibility conditions
- Fix: Removing a custom error message doesn't revert to the default one
- Fix: The pre-populate function only works if the query variable is after the selected option
- Fix: Comma or Separators in Fields cause some problems
- Fix: Stripe Font is not Displaying Correctly
- Fix: Stripe failing with 0 balance form
- Fix: No value is passed when the calculation field is mapped to a custom field and submitted
- Fix: Error when having null values for hidden fields set as required
- Fix: Conflict with Ultimate Member plugin
- Fix: Textarea field label issue with RTL
- Fix: The fields are not prefilled via the URL query when setting the Name field to Multiple
- Fix: Number and Text fields do not display 0 on the front end when 0 is set as the default value
- Fix: Some fields are cut off when adding a Page Break
- Fix: The Select Field requires a placeholder if set as required
- Fix: Names and values of select/radio fields do not sync
- Fix: Recaptcha does not work in Divi's popup
- Fix: Removing spaces before a tag in the Text field description
- Fix: Returning an empty array or WP_Error object in the get_forms() method of the Forminator API
- Fix: HTML Validator posts errors coming from Forminator
- Fix: Upload file issue on mobile applications
- Fix: The description field in HubSpot does not work
- Fix: Fields are missing in email notifications
- Fix: The pagination progress bar and next button disappear from the form
- Fix: Calculation field decimal separator causes an infinite loop in JS
- Fix: Posts are created when the inline validation option is disabled
- Fix: Form is not submitting with Stripe field in the same row with other fields
- Fix: Trello integration does not add cards
- Fix: Browser console error when adding the same form twice on the same page
- Fix: PayPal does not work when Pre-fill Billing Details is disabled
- Fix: Incorrect Country flag showing up in Phone field
- Fix: PayPal module doesn't show up when pagination is enabled
- Fix: Recaptcha and hCaptcha verification fail if Stripe field is hidden
- Fix: Forminator will only add the associated ticket to Hubspot If the contact belongs to a list
- Fix: Quiz ActiveCampaign integration issue
- Fix: Active Campaign integration doesn't show the correct fields
- Fix: Mailchimp submission error with radio type
- Fix: Consent filed label always shows an asterisk even if it is not required
- Fix: The number field in the stripe description create a fatal error
= v.1.17.2 ( 2022-07-20 ) =

- Add: Email body merge tag added with {submission_id}
- Improvement: Nonce is not validated by default upon submit
- Improvement: Scrolling quiz results
- Fix: Adding the same form twice to the same page causes an error
- Fix: PHP notice while activating Hubspot in the Integration tab for a specific form
- Fix: Spam trigger in email and Zapier integration submissions
- Fix: Redirect_uri_mismatch when you authorize Google sheets
- Fix: An invalid redirect_uri in Hubspot integration
- Fix: Aweber is not showing the entire list
- Fix: Newly added tags are not visible in Mailchimp
- Fix: Consent is not sent to Mailchimp
- Fix: ActiveCampaign checkboxes issue
- Fix: Adding square brackets to Google sheets
- Fix: Issue with Zapier integration
- Fix: Fatal Error on MailChimp
- Fix: Stripe Subscription fatal error on live payments
- Fix: An apostrophe is added to numbers in Google Sheets integration
- Fix: Fortress DB fatal error when submitting a form
- Fix: Timepicker 00 hour and minutes issue
- Fix: Slack Re-authorize buttons are not aligned
- Fix: Submission date filter is not working for quizzes
- Fix: Incorrect validation message when the upload limit is exceeded
- Fix: Empty registration form value in submission
- Fix: Fatal error when viewing submissions of Lead Quiz Knowledge
- Fix: Calculation and checkbox visibility bug
- Fix: Disable Search on Select field doesn't work
- Fix: A Hustle pop-up infinite scroll
- Fix: Close/Deactivate button alignment issue on the Integrations screen
- Fix: UI issue in Behavior Lifespan field
- Fix: Improve email validation
- Fix: Adding a link after a file field results in removing a character
- Fix: Trello design issue between label and dropdown
- Fix: {submission_id} merge tag doesn't work in Trello integration
- Fix: Form Data doesn't work in HTML field text editor
- Fix: Form Email routing is not working correctly
- Fix: Timepicker limits are not working
- Fix: HTML field does not display the time value after submission
- Fix: Material Design issue in textarea
- Fix: Can't edit checkbox and radio options
- Fix: Border style is not working for the selected answer image
- Fix: If there are spaces in select field values, emails contain 0 instead of the actual value
- Fix: Missing form button on the post editing screen when using the Classic Editor
- Fix: Select dropdown doesn't recognize keystrokes
- Fix: Displaying several instances of ActiveCampaign
- Fix: Lifespan Expiry Date doesn't work when site language is Spanish
- Fix: Multiple image file attachments don't display correctly in Trello integration
- Fix: Failing to check registered user
- Fix: Input fields color issue on Safari
- Fix: Error using the offset value on the Datepicker field
- Fix: Field visibility cannot be set based on the day
Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.17.1 Nulled Free
= v1.17.1 ( 2022-06-30 ) =

- Fix: Ajax forms load without returning the values of the fields for partial submissions
- Fix: Limit validation fails for the Currency field
Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.17.0 Nulled Free
= v1.17.0 ( 2022-06-23 ) =

- Features: Partial submissions
- Add: Giveaway campaign
- Add: Resend email button to Submissions page
- Improvement: Clean-up and maintenance in admin styles
- Improvement: Edit form button on frontend
- Fix: Close icon is missing in email notification tab
- Fix: Rich-text editor bugs with pagination
- Fix: Nested options in Quiz shows scrollbar
- Fix: For quizzes and polls, the dropdown label is not aligned with the dropdown
- Fix: Checkbox does not pass the correct value to URL
- Fix: A custom class isn't applied to the submit button
- Fix: User registration does not store signature meta
- Fix: The form data featured image should only accept images
- Fix: The embed URL field is incorrect
- Fix: The Poll Appearance padding does not work
- Fix: jQuery "ready" method deprecated
- Fix: Views are not properly counted
- Fix: Incorrect encoding of characters
- Fix: Stripe fields can be submitted multiple times
- Fix: When Decimal Points are set in the Currency Field, the visibility does not work
- Fix: ReCaptcha does not work on popups
- Fix: Chinese characters are cut off in submissions and emails
- Fix: Even if the radio/checkbox/dropdown field has a value other than one that the owner added, the form still submits
- Fix: Error on form submission with invalid nonce
- Fix: List of countries where conditions do not work
- Fix: Next week's dates have been selected
- Fix: A few fields on the quiz lead do not use custom fonts
- Fix: Error in activation email for user registration
- Fix: In Elementor Popups, Forminator Load From Ajax does not work
- Fix: In the Setup Name screen, there is a description
- Fix: When Hummingbird Page caching is active, Forminator Form stops rendering after nonce expiry
- Fix: The Preview Notice on submissions shows '0'
- Fix: When I try to submit the quiz lead form as a guest, it doesn't show any message about 'Enable logged in submission only'
- Fix: Consent does not work with custom error messages
- Fix: The submission schedule export does not work for monthly and weekly submissions
- Fix: CSV template download no longer works
Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.16.2 Nulled Free
May 31, 2022 - version 1.16.2

  • Fix: Blank PHP file issue while creating Polls
  • Fix: Visibility conditions don't work with subfields
Download WPMU DEV Forminator Pro v1.16.1 Nulled Free
= v1.16.1 ( 2022-05-26 ) =

- Fix: HTML field is not working
- Fix: Can't submit the registration form when the Autofill option is enabled
- Fix: Custom field is not rendering slug value