- New: Cropping with own svg masks added for advanced editing https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000033566
- New: "Background Remove" as top level action in toolbar
- New: Smart action menus - If enough space is available the menu will be shown as flat menu, otherwise it will collapse to a dropdown
- Bug: Label "View Unlocked Info" missing in labels settings
- Bug: 2 Download buttons appeared with pro export in mail
- Bug: Price incorrect when using Bulk-Add form from addons
- Bug: Action handler wrong for corner controls with basis style https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000033868
- Bug: When specific modules are disabled for a view, the module content is still visible
- Bug: Text2Img did not download remote image
Bug: Compatible with HOPS in WooCommerce (caused that the order viewer in woocommerce order details did not load)
- Bug: Position wrong for guided tour when window is scrolled
- Bug: widthFontSize property not working when editing text on canvas
- Bug: Patterns not showing up when color picker is enabled for text
- Bug: strokeColors for text not working
- Bug: Scaling Mask in Product Builder did not show the correct clip path
- New: Price per CM2 for Dynamic Views added to IPS
- New: Create a real neon-text effect in the product builder
- "Customization Required" option improved
- Per-Pixel Detection added in IPS
- Bug: Editing element via toolbar closes the toolbar when a 3d product is selected
- Bug: Autoselect does not render selection frame for custom images and texts
- Bug: scale property converted to scaleX/scaleY
- Bug: Dynamic Views nav is not showing, when only one view is enabled
- Improvement: Hide actions menu when empty
- New Option "Ruler Unit": The unit of measurement for the rule
- New: Now you can change the size of a canvas again when dynamic views is enabled
- Bug: Designs not loaded when product is empty
- Bug: Fill not applied when filter is set to none
- Bug: Shortcode module "Add Text" not working
- Improvement: Set more than 2 actions for actions wrapper in center
- New: QR-Code action
- Bug: Changing image in product builder not working
- Bug: Color Names not showing up
- Bug: Social shares option leads to an explode error
- Bug: keyboard control not working
- Improvement: Curved text aligned to center when changing font
- Improvement: resetSize of fabric canvas
- Improvement: Corner control icon for delete changed to bin
- Bulk Variations Data to Individual Product Settings
- Bug: Option "Customize Button: Variation Needed" stopped working.
- JS code split into separate JS files
- New option "Custom Text As Textbox": Add custom text as textbox (the max. width can be adjusted by side controls)
- Adding a custom text (textbox), curved options were not available
- When "Fit Images into Canvas" is enabled, clicking undo resets the size of an image
- Element title in text-layers module added
- Label added for done button in modal mode
- babel plugin added so older safari versions are support (private class methods)
- Polyfill rect method for roundRect method in CanvasRenderingContext2D added
Bugs fixed
- Default colours on custom texts aren't being recognised either from General Settings or Individual Product Settings (since V4.8.0)
- Setting/changing product view thumbnail were not working (since V4.8.0)
- Setting/changing design category thumbnail were not working (since V4.8.0)
- Names & Numbers module in Order Viewer not showing up (since V4.8.0)