Fancy Product Designer | WooCommerce WordPress

Fancy Product Designer | WooCommerce WordPress 6.3.2

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  • Bug: disabled class added when using variable product
  • Improvement: Do not add a custom thumbnail to the cart when the lightbox has not been opened
  • New: Print-Ready File Via Download Action (Settings > Pro Export)
  • Bug: Shadow in product builder for images is not exported to frontend
  • Bug: Some Printful image templates are not scaled correctly in designer
  • Improvement: React Admin updated with redux toolkit
  • Improvement: Replaced FabricJS filters (browser) with Imagick filters (server) for better performance. Now images will be uploaded with the filter applied. Choose between grayscale, black & white, threshold and threshold negative
  • New: Enable an industry mode per product to enable specific features and behaviours. Added "Engraving" mode.
no change log for this version
  • New: Auto-center and position options for custom text added to IPS
  • New: Option to add additional CSS selector for woocommerce product gallery image
  • New: Set a webhook for pro export. The webhook will receive a json object containing the url of the print file and other data. Useful if you want to transfer the print file other cloud providers like Google Drive using zapier
  • Bug: 3D preview wrapper is duplicated in lightbo
New: Sync relevant design images in multiple views
Solution article is here

New: Adjust position and size of multiple selected objects in Product Builder
Improvement: AJAX Add-to-cart Mode | Remove disabled class after a few seconds for add-to-cart button
Improvement: Order Item Thumbnail CSS adjusted
Improvement: Zoom Slider positioned at top
Bug: 3D preview not working with lightbox
Bug: Setting same replace value for different elements in same view in product builder, caused the element disappeared
  • Improvement: Display size warning only for custom uploaded images
  • Improvement: Add Printful product background to preview modal
  • New: Option "AJAX Add-to-cart Mode" - If your theme supports adding products to the cart through AJAX, it is recommended to enable this feature. This way, the loading indicator will not appear.
  • New: Option "Custom Text Default Color" added to view options
  • Bug: Exporting single elements in order viewer
  • Bug: Pro Export Method "SVG2PDF" direct download not working
  • Bug: Loading UI layout in UI Composer not working
  • New: "Multiple Elements Selection" option | Users can select multiple elements simultaneously by holding down the left mouse button
  • New: Option for viewThumbnailsWrapper to display view thumbnails inside main wrapper of designer
  • Bug: Searching and selecting products by category in products backend not working
New: Multi-languages features added

New: Enhanced structure for toolbar when text is selected

Bug: Low-risk security vulnerability in multisite

Bug: Background color for Printful products improved