Avada | Best Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

Avada | Best Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce 7.11.15 Nulled

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- SECURITY: Fixed file upload bypass leading to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Page Options import function (only valid for authenticated users of rol contributor or higher)
- PERFORMANCE: Removed conditionally loaded WooCommerce block styles from the combined 3rd party styles
- IMPROVEMENT: Added option to Post Card element to exclude out-of-stock items from related products query
- IMPROVEMENT: Added new actions and filters for better customizability
- UPDATED: Twitter name to X
- FIXED: WooCommerce notices not being displayed on all installs when Ajax add to cart is used on single products
- FIXED: Woo Tabs element title options not working for all tab titles and review meta text color being incorrect
- FIXED: Non-scrolling Column motion effects not animating
- FIXED: Off Canvas special menu element not working
- FIXED: Off Canvas not always closing correctly on mobiles (part 2)
- FIXED: Not all Testimonial elements auto-playing when multiple elements are on the same page
- FIXED: Carousels not correctly initialized inside of a Modal element
- FIXED: Portfolio element carousel layout displaying incorrect number of elements
- FIXED: Font-size sanitation issue in responsive type calculations, when a global typography was deleted but still used in an element
- FIXED: PHP notice in WooCommerce edit order screens and other post types that don't have a global $post variable
- FIXED: Bulk upload options not displaying in back-end editor
- FIXED: Container background slider in Live Editor causes child elements to disappear when the edit icons are hovered on some installs
- FIXED: Invalid column spacing sanitization in Live Editor
- FIXED: Custom icons not displaying in Live Editor when changing them for the add to cart button in Post Card Cart element
- NEW: Added background image slider options to Container and Column elements
- NEW: Added background color slide hover effects to Button element
- NEW: Added an option to Post Cards element to query WooCommerce products based on "sale" status
- NEW: Added CC and BCC recipient fields to Avada Form notifications
- IMPROVEMENT: Added WooCommerce cart cross-sells to the rendering logic
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed the WooCommerce variable.php template for better compatibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that Woo elements always only load WooCommerce default templates, for better compatibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Added animation to the add to cart button in Post Cards Cart element, when using AJAX add to cart
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- IMPROVEMENT: Lowered the row minimum to 2 for Avada Forms Textarea element
- IMPROVEMENT: Made the device rendering logic of Column element work with responsive preview in Live Editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the WooCommerce standard notice to Post Cards Cart element when user wants to add product to cart without selecting any variation
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.5.2
- COMPATIBILITY: Added compatibility for the new WooCommerce notices setup in WooCommerce 8.5+
- UPDATED: A few strings in WooCommerce templates and elements to reflect latest WooCommerce changes
- FIXED: Gap appearing in some Section Separator element layouts when using Chrome 119+
- FIXED: Single WooCommerce product AJAX add to cart not auto updating the cart fragments (menu cart etc)
- FIXED: Show password icon moving on WooCommerce My Account registration form when typing
- NEW: Added lots of new styling options to Testimonial element (e.g. border, typography, alignment, icon)
- NEW: Added "marquee" style text scroll/rotation options to the Title element
- NEW: Added option to allow AJAX add-to-cart on WooCommerce single products
- NEW: Added "Reset Avada Caches" menu item to the Avada admin bar menu
- NEW: Added home URL placeholder for usage in Avada Forms
- PERFORMANCE: Huge rendering speed improvement for conditional logic for larger Avada Forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Empty terms can now be chosen in the include and exclude options of the Post Cards element to allow later additions
- IMPROVEMENT: The Events Calendar single event sidebar will now load even when legacy widgets are disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a new setup to avoid frequent HubSpot disconnection in case of server ping fluctuations
- IMPROVEMENT: Featured image of an empty category can now be loaded when using Post Cards element
- IMPROVEMENT: Popover CSS styles are now loaded in Image Hotspot element, even if Popover element is disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: Added better image srcset calculation when lazy loading images that use aspect ratio settings
- UPDATED: Rebranded Twitter to X in social icons
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.2.1
- UPDATED: ScrollTrigger script to 3.12.2 and GSAP script to 3.12.2
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added product name to the "Remove Item" button of the Cart Table element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Replaced the comma separation of multiple terms in Breadcrumbs with CSS approach for a correct HTML list markup
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added aria-current attribute to the current page in menus
- COMPATIBILITY: Added compatibility layer for third-party plugins from Layouts also to Off-Canvas
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Events Calendar main loop being wrong when a Post Cards element is rendered before the main content (e.g. in Mega Menu)
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Avada Cache clearing in Global Options only working for the main language when using WPML
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed fatal error happening when translating elemens from the Avada Library with the WPML translation management
- COMPATIBILITY: Made sure that Apple and Google Pay buttons of WooCommerce Payment plugin can be displayed when using Woo Checkout Payment element
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Thank You page being 404 in secondary language when using WPML and a layout-based checkout page
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce PayPal Payments and WooCommerce Subscription plugins causing a fatal error in backend builder when the Woo Cart Table element was used
- COMPATIBILITY: Latest version of WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin causing a warning on single product pages that use layouts
- FIXED: Trailing separator showing in breadcrumbs on the homepage
- FIXED: Time picker alignment being incorrect in elements
- FIXED: Global Options reset not working
- FIXED: PHP notice when conditional rendering checks for a $_GET variable that is not present in the URL
- FIXED: Submenu dropdown arrow indicator not being visible on mobile when parent menu item has a Mega Menu on desktop
- FIXED: Alert box being displayed below button when adding Stripe Button element to a post/page
- FIXED: Dynamic data featured image sometimes not working correctly on archives
- FIXED: Dynamic content in Tabs element not loaded when tab is opened through a link click
- FIXED: Bottom border-radius values being interchanged in Alert element
- FIXED: Lightbox for Featured Images Slider element not working when using AJAX load more in Post Cards
- FIXED: Disable divider line setting in FAQ element not working
- FIXED: Additional parameters not being added to Vimeo videos when video facade option is used
- FIXED: Avada Form entry export button showing even user does not have export capability (export not working for such a user)
- FIXED: $_GET var check in conditional rendering not working for Checkbox element in Avada Forms when using labels only
- FIXED: Image caption of style Dario not being displayed correctly on mobiles in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Mega Menu being horizontally incorrectly aligned when using a different Menu element in a Container for a sticky header
- FIXED: Text transform of menu item that is icon only on desktop being incorrect
- FIXED: Button spacing being incorrect for variable products in Post Cards Cart element
- FIXED: Variable product image linking to image instead of product when using Post Card Image element and Post Cards Cart element and changing variation
- FIXED: Woo Product Grid element not resetting the WooCommerce loop which leads to issues when element is used before the main loop
- FIXED: WooCommerce menu cart item count causing incorrect spacing of the parent menu item
- FIXED: WooCommerce product category image alt tag wrong when displaying it through dynamic data in a layout
- FIXED: WooCommerce price dynamic data not always being correct
- FIXED: YouTube element preview thumbnail always loaded in default size when video facade option is used
- FIXED: Layout conditions being removed from layout when posts/pages with quotation marks in title are added to the layout
- FIXED: Several styling issues on the Events Calendar events search bar (e.g. mode hover color, outlines, and search icon on mobile)
- FIXED: Several styling issues on the Events Calendar single events pages (like sidebar text color, link color, and quotes)
- FIXED: PHP warning on the Events Calendar single events when Event Tickets add-on is used
- FIXED: Avada Layout not applied to Events Calendar recurring events when the layout condition is set to the category of the main event
- FIXED: Submission spinner for Contact Form 7 not working
- FIXED: Alert dismiss icon being wrong for bbPress notices
- FIXED: Missing div tag in the Slider Revolution "no slides found" message leading to display issues
- FIXED: Deprecation notice for wp_global_styles_render_svg_filters
- FIXED: Scroll sections sometimes being incorrectly split when Containers are used in Mega Menus
- FIXED: PHP notice in PHP 8.3 regarding version_compare() function in the upgrade class
- FIXED: PHP notice (non-numeric value encountered) in class-fusion-sanitize.php
- FIXED: Button element gradient hover colors missing the default value
- FIXED: Default value in option description being wrong when the global option uses subsets (like typography ones)
- FIXED: Bulk actions for Layout Sections not working
- FIXED: Order by option of Gallery element not being available in Backend Editor
- FIXED: JS error when image size that was later deleted was set in an element in Live Editor
- FIXED: Styling issues in Live Editor happening when third parties use jQuery UI library
- FIXED: Adding an Avada Studio column to an empty Container not working in Live Editor
- FIXED: Center-right position not being clickable in the Transform Origin option in Live Editor
- SECURITY: Fixed broken access control vulnerability (potentially letting authenticated users save Portfolio permalink)
- SECURITY: Fixed possible arbitrary file upload and server-side request forgery vulnerability in Page Options import function (only valid for authenticated users)
- SECURITY: Fixed arbitrary file upload vulnerability in custom icon font upload (valid only for authors or higher)
- SECURITY: Fixed SQL injection and broken access control vulnerability in Critical CSS (valid only for authenticated users)
- SECURITY: Fixed Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the User Register element
- SECURITY: Fixed Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in elements using access tokens to third-party platforms (only valid for admin users)
- NEW: Added WooCommerce special page link options to dynamic data for text field options
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed variation product issue when WooCommerce Product Bundle plugin is used
- FIXED: Backslash used as separator in Breadcrumbs Global Option breaking page CSS
- FIXED: Avada Slider button option defaults not cleared out when saved empty
- FIXED: Bottom left border-radius option not working in Alert element for custom styling
- FIXED: Checkbox form element content being shown in notification emails when hidden through conditional form rendering logic
- FIXED: Form being scrolled to bottom instead of top when clicking next step button on multi-step Avada Forms
- FIXED: JS error happening in multi-step Avada Forms when no Submit Button element was added to the form
- FIXED: Visibility options not working in Image element when used together with legacy Containers
- FIXED: Image Carousel element not working inside Toggles and FAQ elements
- FIXED: Layout set for the main event of The Events Calendar plugin not being applied to the series, if it is a recurring event
- NEW: Added responsive options to the Instagram element to decide over the button layout
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated toTop option titles for consistency and easier search
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada Forms privacy params will only be added when needed now when submitting to URL
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada's sticky CSS class to sticky posts in Post Cards element
- COMPATIBILITY: The Event Tickets plugin causing a fatal error when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs with disabled post title displaying a trailing separator
- FIXED: Update cart dynamic data functionality not working on WooCommerce cart page
- FIXED: Menu thumbnail images not being saved when legacy mega menu option is turned off
- FIXED: Underscore added to the anchor, even when menul link goes to external resource
- FIXED: Fatal error, when only Avada Core plugin is activated
- FIXED: PHP error and notice on PHP 8 in a few cases
- FIXED: JS error in the builder when using Flip Boxes element
- FIDED: Cancel comment link missing a white space in Comments element
- FIXED: Title element overflowing in Post Cards element one column grid layout when using ellipsis
- FIXED: Removed horizontal resize event from Toggles Element to avoid resize events on other elements
- FIXED: Icons on Button element not keeping accent color when buttons are focused
- FIXED: YouTube element iFrame being doubled when used in a Modal element and video facade option is enabled
- FIXED: Update totals button spacing on mobile in WooCommerce Cart Shipping element
- FIXED: Posts/pages with special chars being displayed encoded in Layout Conditions
- FIXED: Posts with apostrophe in name not being saved in Layout Conditions
- FIXED: Columns jumping in live editor when being absolutely positioned and hovered
- FIXED: Form Step progress height option is not displayed in the backend editor
- FIXED: MailChimp Groups not showing in Avada Forms when using the backend editor
See the promo video here: https://youtu.be/q4Zf12adBfQ

- NEW: Added full-blown multi-step form setup to Avada Forms incl extensive step indicator styling
- NEW: Added support for ACF repeaters
- NEW: Added support for ACF relationship
- NEW: ACF fields will now be imported when they are used on prebuilt sites
- NEW: Added support for MailChimp Groups and Tags to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added option to the Column element to set column width in px and added felx-grow and flex-shrink options
- NEW: Added icon hover, border radius, box-shadow and equal height options to Content Boxes element
- NEW: Added Avada Forms conditional rendering logic for Container element, Alert element and Text Block element
- NEW: Added option to Off-Canvas to close it if an anchor link inside it gets clicked
- NEW: Added border radius option, a new dismiss style option and a link color inherit option to Alert element
- NEW: Added an option to the Meta element to easily turn off labels
- NEW: Added user logout to special menu items
- NEW: Live Editor history will now be kept, even if the post/page has just been saved
- NEW: Added dynamic data to the Audio element
- NEW: Added an option to Image Before & After element to display image labels individually
- NEW: Added background and icon color options to the toTop button
- NEW: Added an option to the Comments element to display a reCAPCHTA
- NEW: Added WooCommerce Thank You page to the import features of the Setup Wizard
- NEW: Backup of Global Options is now automatically saved to the WP uploads folder on full or partial reset of Global Options
- NEW: Added text stroke option to the Highlight element
- NEW: Added text stroke option to the Title element
- NEW: Added ellipsis overflow option to the Title element
- NEW: Added options to mute videos to YouTube and Vimeo elements
- NEW: Added text underline offset options to the link decoration Global Options
- NEW: Added custom taxonomies and terms to the conditional rendering engine
- NEW: Added option to order Post Cards by custom sorting order and by custom field
- NEW: Added possibility for single column Post Cards element to have the card full stretch in height compared to neighboring content
- NEW: Added a check for PHP mail to the Status page for easier email issue checks
- PERFORMANCE: Changed category and tag select fields for Blog, FAQ and other elements to ajax loading to improve performance on large sites
- IMPROVEMENT: Optimized the prebuilt site importer to do incremental asset import to avoid timeouts
- IMPROVEMENT: OpenStreetMap changes to allow map centering, allowing 0 on the zoom option and added a zoom snap option
- IMPROVEMENT: Slugs can now also be used to exclude certain posts/pages from the maintenance/ coming soon mode
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a cURL check to the System Status page for better issue analysis
- IMPROVEMENT: Optimized the Performance Wizard element scan, to minimize timeouts
- IMPROVEMENT: Anchor scrolling script can now directly use targets instead of DOM elements
- IMPROVEMENT: Mega menu now auto closes when clicking on an anchor link inside of it
- IMPROVEMENT: Code for all reCAPCHTA instances is now shared to optimize performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that 100% height Off-Canvas instances take into account iPhone notch areas
- IMPROVEMENT: Consolidated options for Woo Cart Table and Woo Order Table
- IMPROVEMENT: Heading count conditional rendering is now also working for posts that don't us Avada elements (helpful for Gutenberg blog posts)
- IMPROVEMENT: Moved the Avada Forms preview background color to the wrapping post-content container for better visibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.8
- UPDATED: scrollTrigger library is now on version 3.11.5 which fixes conflicts with leaflet.js library of some plugins
- ACCESSIBILITY: Breadcrumbs element and breadcrumbs in Page Title Bar have been optimized for WCAG compliance
- ACCESSIBILITY: Title attribute option is now also used as aria-label in the Button element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed textarea label missing from the Syntax Highlighter element
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed display issue with YITH WooCommerce Waitlist Premium Cards when using a custom product layout
- COMPATIBILITY: Events Ticket checkout leading to display issues with custom header layouts
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed fatal error happening using Woo Subscriptions plugin when deleting posts from Avada CPTs
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed layout builder not working with WP Members plugin
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed issue with Learnpress where Live Editor was accessible for subscriber role
- FIXED: Mobile flyout menu not working when using legacy side header
- FIXED: Avada Forms email notifications using incorrect charset leading to special chars not being correctly encoded
- FIXED: Arrow color for menus using submenu arrow, when the first item is active with different color
- FIXED: Preview of footer not always correct in Setup Wizard
- FIXED: Avada Forms export not using the submission IDs
- FIXED: Avada Forms options not being correctly imported on prebuilt site import
- FIXED: Avada Forms conditional logic not working for fields that have no label set
- FIXED: Avada Forms entries count being incorrect when changing submission type from database to just email notifications
- FIXED: Missing escapes for form input names and values in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Conditional rendering for comments turned off not working
- FIXED: WooCommerce product attribute taxonomy options not being loaded correctly when slug uses non-ASCII chars
- FIXED: Post names not correctly encoded when used in Layout conditions leading to apostrophes being backslash escaped
- FIXED: Avada updates only showing when at least a second WP theme is installed
- FIXED: PHP notice in Page Options sidebar options and in the block editor styles class
- FIXED: rendering issue when using Post Card element inside of a mega menu in a header layout that uses the Content element itself
- FIXED: Column element background missing on column hover
- FIXED: Column element background color hover option missing
- FIXED: Empty column dimensions auto-check not taking into account different background images for different device widths
- FIXED: Ajax loading of more posts not working in Post Card Archives element when it is saved as a Global Element
- FIXED: YouTube element video not autoplaying, even when set to, if iFrame lazy loading is activated
- FIXED: Icon inactive box color being incorrect in FAQ element
- FIXED: Global default and Woo Product Images element default for out-of-stock note not being the same
- FIXED: Text on buttons in Instagram element not always being centered on mobile when there isn't enough space
- FIXED: Element animations being double executed in some cases when the JS compiler is turned on
- FIXED: Anchor linking not working for Tabs element
- FIXED: Role manager not working correctly when display name and role slug are different
- FIXED: Duplicated class attributes in Image element when image scroll or magnify options are used
- FIXED: Sticky and responsive visibility options in Image element leading to white space, when image gets hidden
- FIXED: Duplicated fill attributes in Section Separator element for some styles
- FIXED: Off-Canvas position option for the sliding bar layout not working
- FIXED: Issue width RankMath and Yoast SEO content analysis tools
- FIXED: Hover options UI being incorrectly displayed in backend editor when using legacy containers
- FIXED: Custom side header appearing full width when media query files get loaded asynchronously
- FIXED: Some PHP notices in backend meta boxes
- FIXED: Global border radius option for Person element incorrectly converting % to px
- FIXED: Some styling image links in the CSS of OpenStreetMaps being incorrect
- FIXED: OpenStreetMap icon size not correctly saved in backend editor
- FIXED: Table ordering options not working for the backend Avada Forms table
- FIXED: Some Section Separator styles not working in Live Editor if changing to them starting from Hills style
- FIXED: Column element top border size missing in Live Editor
- FIXED: Post Cards element not rendering correctly in Live Editor before an option is changed
- FIXED: Images inside of Post Cards element inside a mega menu not displaying in Live Editor
- FIXED: Sidebar toolbar order of Live Editor being incorrect in Live Editor
- FIXED: Column element background color being in front of background image in Live Editor when using a column link
- FIXED: Integer as content e.g., through dynamic data causing a JS error in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Container and Column saving to library not working when editing a mega menu in Live Editor
- FIXED: Icon hover color in preview mode being incorrect in the Button element in Live Editor
- FIXED: Mobile menu item minimum height option not working in Menu element in Live Editor
- FIXED: Mobile nav size option of Menu element not being correctly applied on re-render in live Editor
- FIXED: Some UI controls in Live Editor incorrectly getting the Global Options link style applied
- FIXED: Nested Column spacing being incorrect when used within a Post Card when re-rendering the content in Live Editor
- FIXED: Responsive margin options not updating correctly in Container element in Live Editor
- FIXED: Builder preference option for Column transforms preview not working in Live Editor
- NEW: Added background color and border color hover options to Column element
- NEW: Made dynamic data available for the video preview image option in Video element
- IMPROVEMENT: Limited global color custom HSLA changes to color variables to avoid undefined colors
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed issue leading to fatal error when CoBlocks plugin was installed (Issue was in plugin fixed in their version 3.0.2)
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on update, when Avada Builder is updated before Avada Core was
- FIXED: WC_Order object not always being defined, which causes fatal error on some installs
- FIXED: Usage of Post Cards element in a custom Mega Menu leading to display issues
- FIXED: Fade out motion effect not working in Column element
- FIXED: Lift-up hover and bottom shadow style selection not working in Image element
- FIXED: Hover/active border size option not working in the Menu element
- FIXED: Margin option in OpenStreetMap element not working
- FIXED: Legacy WooCommerce cart page reloading every second update cart button click
- FIXED: Numbers being in incorrect order in Countdown element on RTL sites
- FIXED: Privacy placeholders for embeds not having correct dimensions when video facade option is used
- FIXED: Custom height option in Off-Canvas working for medium and small devices only when set for large
- FIXED: PHP notice on Layouts admin page, when layout order is not already defined
- FIXED: Hover state changes frozen on option change in Live Editor in some cases
- FIXED: Editing a post in Live Editor not applying the corresponding layout correctly
- FIXED: A few styling issues of the Live Editor in RTL mode
- FIXED: Corrected some styling issues of color picker options in Live Editor when using dark mode
- NEW: Added complex motion effect options (scroll, mouse move, and infinite animation) to Columns
- NEW: Added support to create a custom WooCommerce Thank You page by adding 5 new order-related Woo elements
- NEW: Added an Open Street Map element with tons of options
- NEW: Added scroll and magnify hover effects to the Image element
- NEW: Added responsive background image options to Container and Column elements
- NEW: Added a background size option to the background image tab in Container and Column elements
- NEW: Added a new hover/active state UI to the Live Editor to easier set hover/active colors etc
- NEW: Mega menus are now supported in Menu elements in vertical mode
- NEW: Added several live search-related options to the Search element
- NEW: Added option to disable specific days in the Avada Form Date element
- NEW: Avada color palette added to the WP block editor
- NEW: Added option to dynamic data term count to include child terms
- NEW: Added option to dynamic data term count do hide zero count
- NEW: Added filter to allow CPTs to be chosen for limiting search results to in the Search element
- NEW: Added a filter to control the content returned by the post content excerpt function
- IMPROVEMENT: Private posts/pages can now be assigned to a Layout
- IMPROVEMENT: Made array variables work in conditional rendering
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the downloads table to the default WooCommerce Thank You page
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed JavaScript Function() constructor from the iLightBox library script
- IMPROVEMENT: Made position and styling of Avada's admin notices more consistent
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.5+
- UPDATED: Avada is now PHP 8.2 compatible
- ACCESSIBILITY: Corrected the ARIA labelledby attribute of the Toggle element
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Filters plugin not updating correctly when using a custom shop page layout
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WPML not copying correct term for layout sections when creating copy for secondary language
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed bbPress pages being broken when using custom Mega Menus in Header layouts
- COMPATIBILITY: Plugin labels using special chars break Layout conditions tab functionality for that plugin
- FIXED: "Read more" Global Option always adding a whitespace prefix
- FIXED: Maintenance mode exclude list not working correctly
- FIXED: Default maintenance mode template being incorrectly displayed in Safari < 16
- FIXED: Container overflow setting not working correctly in Safari < 16
- FIXED: Maintenance mode template contents stripping out paragraphs
- FIXED: Second sidebar displaying below content instead of next to it
- FIXED: Custom icons of Avada Form fields not being imported when importing from Avada Studio
- FIXED: Google Maps API error caused by missing callback attribute
- FIXED: Incorrect column top margin within Post Cards element
- FIXED: Avada swatch styles for WooCommerce variations being displayed even for disabled variations on some installs
- FIXED: Continue button not being displayed on the legacy WooCommerce checkout page
- FIXED: Product quantity area displaying a small borderline on products that are set to sell individually
- FIXED: Select arrow positioning for state select being wrong on legacy WooCommerce cart page
- FIXED: Quantity +/- selectors being removed after cart update on legacy WooCommerce cart page
- FIXED: WooCommerce Cart Table element missing the woocommerce_before_calculate_totals filter
- FIXED: Image element caption heading not inheriting all default font attributes from heading tag
- FIXED: Lottie element animations not fully finishing
- FIXED: Custom icons used in Table Of Contents element not taking up the set counter color
- FIXED: Inconsistencies in the Events Calendar headings typography
- FIXED: Menu element dropdown caret being visible even if mega menu is hidden on mobile (without replacement)
- FIXED: Submenu element in custom mega menu running into an animation loop when using stacked mode
- FIXED: Tabs element not working correctly when used in a custom mega menu
- FIXED: Container element 100% height scrolling not working correctly on latest iOS version
- FIXED: Next/prev navigation on single Events Calendar posts when no previous but a next event is available
- FIXED: Small and medium breakpoints not working correctly for Post Cards and Gallery elements
- FIXED: Legacy mobile flyout menu always displayed
- FIXED: Z-index issue when using a parallax footer together with a custom header, which can lead to menu dropdowns being hidden
- FIXED: Logo images from Global Options in Image element only skip lazy loading for the first applied image
- FIXED: Off Canvas special menu item close toggle icon being applied when using button style on menu item
- FIXED: reCAPCHTA being able to be bypassed in Avada Forms if it is removed with browser dev tools
- FIXED: Inline reCAPCHTA in User Login element missing a closing div, leading to display issues
- FIXED: Vertically centering images in the Image element carousel mode not working
- FIXED: Sticky container display calculation being incorrect if container isn't fully in viewport
- FIXED: Nested Column element not remaining global when saved as such
- FIXED: Post Card Archives element not rendering the "no posts" note on search page in case a prior loop is run
- FIXED: Special menu item not being hidden when correctly used on level one
- FIXED: Active item color not being applied to icons in Menu element if a child item is the active one
- FIXED: nav_menu_css_class filter in Avada's nav walkers missing the fourth argument leading to errors for plugins using the filter
- FIXED: Vertical menu widget incorrectly escaping HTML output
- FIXED: Custom SVGs in Section Separator element not working on some hosts because of missing user agent headings
- FIXED: PHP notice in Person element if no image is set
- FIXED: Box size being incorrect in FAQ element when using a custom icon size
- FIXED: PHP notice related to Google fonts happening on some installs because of missing datatype check
- FIXED: PHP notice in WooCommerce Filters element
- FIXED: PHP notice in Content element when using the dropcap option when there are no paragraphs
- FIXED: Wrong color slug being stored through the Avada 7.6 upgrade class when using custom global colors
- FIXED: Fatal error on Avada 4.0 migration screen
- FIXED: Lottie map file being recorded as 404 on server logs
- FIXED: Post lock popup not being displayed in Live Editor when not in dev mode
- FIXED: Bottom margin and padding handles overlapping on newly added Containers in Live Editor
- FIXED: JS error in Live Editor in Gallery element happening only in Firefox
- FIXED: Border color not live updating in Pagination element in Live Editor
- NEW: Added post lock functionality and info box to Live Editor if someone else is already editing a certain post
- NEW: Added functionality to automatically invalidate critical CSS on major updates, to avoid CSS conflicts
- NEW: Added an option to enable cloning of Avada's standard post types
- NEW: Added option to conditional rendering based on available HTML heading tags within post content
- NEW: Added more animation trigger options to Lottie element, including scroll and cursor move
- NEW: Added an option to close sub-menus when clicking outside, to Menu element when using click mode
- NEW: Added wavy separator styling and options to Separator element
- NEW: Added a full typography settings option to the Tagline Box element title
- NEW: Added dropcap options to the Content element
- NEW: Added responsive column control to Gallery element
- NEW: Added option to set a min and max date for the Date Field element of Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a user role option for Avada Form submissions
- IMPROVEMENT: Added submission ID, date, and time to the Avada Forms export
- IMPROVEMENT: Show password icon is now displayed on the WooCommer My Account login page
- IMPROVEMENT: If form background is transparent, the select field option background will be auto set, depending on label color
- COMPATIBILITY: Updated structure of how checkbox values in Avada Forms are sent to HubSpot
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed layout builder not working with FlexMLS IDX plugin
- FIXED: Tagline Box element heading not correctly using the h2 Global Option size
- FIXED: Hide scrollbar option in Off Canvas settings not working
- FIXED: Scrollbar handle color option not working correctly for Off Canvas
- FIXED: Sliding bar responsive width option not working for Off Canvas
- FIXED: Sliding bar pus transition not working for RTL languages
- FIXED: Thumbnails in Mega Menus not being displayed correctly
- FIXED: Mega Menu position sometimes being incorrect in Firefox
- FIXED: Continue button missing in the WooCommerce Checkout Tabs element
- FIXED: Duplicate filter in WooCommerce Cart Coupon element
- FIXED: Review tab using link color instead of body font color in WooCommerce Tabs element
- FIXED: Responsive columns option not working correctly for Post Cards element
- FIXED: Bottom shadow of Image element being displayed incorrectly when image width is smaller than the container
- FIXED: Recent Posts widget border missing on front-end
- FIXED: Text transform not working for the backside heading of Flip Boxes element
- FIXED: Styling of Navigation Menu widget indentation
- FIXED: Numeric counter type in Table Of Contents element not working in Safari
- FIXED: Auto height not working in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Caption typography not working in Image element
- FIXED: Top and bottom margin Global Options defaults not being used in the Column element
- FIXED: Text decoration not being excluded from menus on legacy headers if set in Global Options
- FIXED: Avada Slider title/caption having incorrect default color
- FIXED: Alignment of popover in Image Hotspot element
- FIXED: Blog Sidebar name translation issue causing reset on back-end editor
- FIXED: Disabling Avada Builder for the editor role causing column issue with meta boxes on back-end edit screens
- FIXED: Yoast SEO content analysis incorrectly prepending Avada form notices to the back-end edit screens on pages that use forms
- FIXED: Icon position being incorrect for Date, Select, Time, and Textarea elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Container element margin/padding drag handles also affecting nested Container elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Responsive grid columns CSS not working in Live Editor
- FIXED: Gallery element not being responsive in Live Editor when checking medium or small preview
- FIXED: CSS filter options to live updating for Column element in Live Editor
- SECURITY: Fixed a remote code execution issue in class-fusion-dynamic-datacallbacks.php, which can only be done through an authenticated user having access to nonces.
- NEW: Added column alignment option to the Image Carousel element
- IMPROVEMENT: Description option of Consent element in Avada Forms now supporting HTML
- IMPROVEMENT: ToC element now auto scrolls to the correct heading ID if one is used in the URL
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2.1
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed a missing form label and the text on the legacy WooCommerce Cart page
- FIXED: Font size adjustments for h2 headings not being correctly applied for several elements
- FIXED: Title element not respecting global style type option leading to unneeded markup being added to the DOM
- FIXED: Color of h2 and h3 headings in Avada Slider being incorrectly white not respecting the set color
- FIXED: WordPress block styles creating borders around Avada Forms (no more need to turn block styles off)
- FIXED: Yoast SEO content analysis incorrectly prepending Avada form notices to the back-end edit screens
- FIXED: Width option of Off-Canvas settings showing several times responsive options shown when not active)
- FIXED: Carousel auto-play causing display issue when fewer elements are available than are set in the number of elements option
- FIXED: Global border width option of Flip Box element not working
- FIXED: Column spacing and margins not always correct when using legacy Container element
- FIXED: Legacy color preset of Button element not working correctly
- FIXED: Post Card Cart element always adding default product to cart even if not all needed attributes have been chosen in product Post Cards
- FIXED: Color reveal animation color being incorrect in the Column element
- FIXED: Avada Forms Radio fields not being selectable correctly
- FIXED: Font size of linked headings being incorrect in Circle Info element when using em as unit
- FIXED: Menu description text not being displayed in the sub-menu items
- FIXED: Mega menu alignment being incorrect when Menu is displayed only in sticky header
- FIXED: Carousels not respecting the maximum columns option if its value is 1
- FIXED: Single blog posts and event tickets boxes not correctly displaying when using The Events Calendar
- FIXED: PHP warning on the WooCommerce shop page when using Post Cards element The Events Calendar being active
- FIXED: Custom icon set icons used in Global Options social icons not working on Social Links and Person element
- FIXED: Image max width option not working in Flip Boxes element
- FIXED: WooCommerce original price strikethrough not being correctly positioned on product rollovers
- FIXED: Anchor links not always closing the Menu element correctly
- FIXED: PHP notice in Lottie element and in Avada Slider
- FIXED: Double slashes in a few asset file paths
- FIXED: Drag & drop ordering changes of Columns not working for mobile mode of the Live Editor
- FIXED: Counter Boxes not displaying correctly in Live Editor when more than 5 columns are used