Avada | Best Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

Avada | Best Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce 7.11.15 Nulled

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Avada 7.9 introduces the new Mega Menu builder, maintenance & coming soon mode, a role manager for Avada features,
5 new elements, including Table Of Contents, and a ton of new design and layout features, like link text decoration,
button text hover effects, Layout Cards re-order or new full-screen scrolling section animation.
And there is so much more. See it all below.

See the promo video here:

- NEW: Added a full Mega Menu builder, using the builder UI and saving to the Library for easy re-use
- NEW: Added maintenance and coming soon mode incl. settings
- NEW: Added a user role manager to easily manage which user roles have access to the different areas of Avada
- NEW: Added Table Of Contents element with various design options to easily auto-render all headings on a post/page
- NEW: Added options to display text decorations (like underline) to text links across the site
- NEW: Added the possibility to re-order Avada Layout cards
- NEW: Added several advanced transition animation options to full-screen scrolling sections
- NEW: Added a Submenu element with full set of design options for easy usage in the new Mega Menu builder
- NEW: Added Circle Info element allowing stylish and interactive presentation of short blocks of content
- NEW: Added Stripe Button element for easily selling products through Stripe
- NEW: Added text hover effects to Button element
- NEW: Added advanced transform options, both regular and hover to Column and Nested Columns element
- NEW: Added a new color swipe animation type to all element Animations
- NEW: Added a delay option to all element animations
- NEW: Added mouse scroll design options to Post Cards element
- NEW: Added extensive options for easy styling of navigation in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added image sorting option to the Image Carousel element
- NEW: Added an option to disable the post name on breadcrumbs
- NEW: Added a form label font size option to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a Live Editor preview background color option for Avada Forms
- NEW: Added Consent Field element to Avada Forms to easily get explicit or implicit user consent
- NEW: Added support for HubSpot's advanced GDPR tools to Avada Forms
- NEW: Added support for passing data to Mailchimp depending on the new Consent Field element in Avada Forms
- NEW: Added option to Avada Forms Password element to show a password reveal icon
- NEW: Added new "must match" options to Avada Forms Email and Password elements to enable classic sign-up forms
- NEW: Added a starting value option to Avada Forms Text and Email elements
- NEW: Added options for ordered lists to the Checklist element
- NEW: Added more icon-related child options to the Checklist element
- NEW: Added border radius option and responsive padding options to Tabs element
- NEW: Added global padding option to the Sharing Box element
- NEW: Added padding options to Toggle and FAQ elements
- NEW: Added options to style the Load More button in Post Card Archives element
- NEW: Added options to have stacked sub-menu mode and additional preferences to Menu element when used in vertical mode
- NEW: Added option to the Menu element, that allows choosing between Toggle and Accordion mode when opening sub-menus on mobile
- NEW: Added link color and target, height, typography, and border-radius settings to the Newsticker element
- NEW: Added margin options to the individual boxes of the Content Boxes element
- NEW: Added z-index option to Off-Canvas
- NEW: Added an option to display "All Events" link on single Events Calendar posts
- NEW: Added Snapchat to social links
- NEW: Added user avatar to dynamic data options
- NEW: Added support for ACF select field (multi) in dynamic data options
- NEW: Added comment status and comment count to the conditional rendering engine
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of conditional rendering
- NEW: Added a filter for easy extension of Avada Forms actions
- NEW: Added a filter for file upload handling in Avada Forms
- NEW: Added a filter to prevent dynamic CSS generation
- PERFORMANCE: On new installs, nothing related to WP legacy widgets will be loaded anymore
- PERFORMANCE: Refactored 60+ elements to avoid style blocks in markup and improve loading
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to WooCommerce Product Images element to skip lazy loading
- PERFORMANCE: The fusion_builder_map() function is now being skipped on the front end for all elements
- PERFORMANCE: Simplified and reduced the CSS output for the Container element link color options
- PERFORMANCE: Custom icon fonts now using the Font Face Rendering option
- PERFORMANCE: Removed several WP block-related scripts from front-end, when block styles are turned off
- PERFORMANCE: Removed WooCommerce blocks styles from front-end, when block styles are turned off
- SEO: Added content analysis integration for Yoast SEO and Rank Maths to the back-end posts/pages
- SEO: Added paragraph (p) HTML tag to title tag selection options
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed HTML markup for boxed mode and sliding bar when they are turned off
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that form fields are no longer cleared out when a submission error occurs
- IMPROVEMENT: Post Card Image placeholders will now respect the aspect ratio setting
- IMPROVEMENT: Image and Gallery elements are now being taken into account for reading time when using the Meta element
- IMPROVEMENT: Increased the number of images maximum in the Flickr element to 500
- IMPROVEMENT: Added better handling for add form errors in HubSpot when using Avada Forms
- IMPROVEMENT: Added consistent icons to the Portfolio and FAQ post-type menus in the WP dashboard
- IMPROVEMENT: Placeholders in Post Card Image element now also follow the set aspect ratio
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure range slider options update directly on change and not on key-up events
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed element maximum limits
- IMPROVEMENT: Better wrapping of long names of containers and templates in the library section of the editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Generated critical CSS will no longer be loaded in the Live Editor
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1+
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0+
- UPDATED: HubSpot form submission handling for better compatibility
- UPDATED: Replaced the old carousel JS library with a new, lightweight, and modern library
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-label and role of the filter items
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin not updating values when adjusting quantity through Buttons
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed global footer layout not working when using Woocommerce Frontend Manager
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin not working with product layouts
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed search for multiple post types being redirected to the Events Calendar results page when events is one of the CPT
- FIXED: Twitter element not working
- FIXED: Usage of deprecated, fixed WooCommerce image size
- FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery images not displaying correctly on RTL sites in WebKit browsers
- FIXED: WooCommerce stripe button not available on checkout pages when using layouts
- FIXED: WooCommerce SKU not being correctly updated on variable products when SKU is used more than once
- FIXED: Styling and quantity update issue on Events Calendar ticket pages
- FIXED: Styling issue with the new Events Calendar event series
- FIXED: Styling issue with the new Events Calendar community events
- FIXED: Search results for Events Calendar events not being displayed on main events page
- FIXED: Custom icon sets not working in the Vertical Menu widget
- FIXED: Animations not working correctly in a few elements
- FIXED: Link expiration issue when using WP login forms in some cases
- FIXED: Side header anchor scroll not highlighting correct menu item when using a side-header layout
- FIXED: Date format not being picked from "General" settings when option is left empty in Related Posts element
- FIXED: Undefined variable notice in Content Boxes element and Avada Forms
- FIXED: Line breaks not working in Avada Forms Textarea Field if name is not the auto "textarea"
- FIXED: Avada Forms Select element arrow not respecting border sizes
- FIXED: JS error occurring on Avada Forms submission when using Hidden Field element with empty value
- FIXED: Avada Forms backend entries only display a single value for checkbox field even when multiple values were submitted
- FIXED: Placeholder values being displayed in custom email replies if no values are set in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Layout Builder override is incorrectly being used when having a post with layout as first post on dedicated blog page
- FIXED: FAQ element title color option not working
- FIXED: Color variables not always being correct when using critical CSS
- FIXED: Rotating icon option not working correctly when icon circle is off in Icon element
- FIXED: Carousel navigation box color not working in Image Carousel element
- FIXED: Cloned layout sections having incorrect edit URLs
- FIXED: Duplicate margin options in the Widget element
- FIXED: Fatal error on legacy search page when Checklist element is deactivated
- FIXED: First item in Checklist element having no top padding, even if a background color is used
- FIXED: Masonry layout incorrectly positioning postcards in Post Card Archives when using AJAX loading
- FIXED: Reading time being incorrect in some instances in the Meta element
- FIXED: Fatal error on post edit screens when Avada is disabled but builder plugin is active
- FIXED: Liftup animation in Image element not working correctly when using max-width and image aspect ratio settings
- FIXED: Video facade option not working correctly when using videos in portrait mode
- FIXED: Lightbox on mobile not auto-opening on load when using deep links
- FIXED: SVG image upload not working correctly in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: JS error in User Login element when using v2 reCaptcha
- FIXED: Sprintf error with % symbol in off canvas title
- FIXED: Counter Circles not fully centered because of separating margins
- FIXED: Product number option not updating correctly in WooCommerce Sorting element
- FIXED: Product postcards changing incorrectly in Live Editor, when changing option after refresh
- FIXED: Focus trap missing from icon picker options, which leads to Live Editor content being pushed up a few pixels in some cases
- FIXED: A few styling issues in dark mode of the Live Editor
- FIXED: Extra space displaying and load more button missing in Gallery element in Live Editor when more images are loaded than are displaying
- FIXED: Off-canvas z-index being incorrect in Live Editor when using parallax footer
- FIXED: Hover effect of Content Boxes element not being correct in Live Editor in some cases
- FIXED: Margin picker handles being hidden when editing a Column in Live Editor that uses border-radius
- FIXED: Separator not being correctly hidden in Post Cards element in Live Editor if number of columns is set to 0
- FIXED: Inline column width options missing from Nested Columns element
- FIXED: Upload element icon alignment in Live Editor of Avada Forms
- FIXED: Global option changes that trigger a default update including AJAX callback not re-rendering elements in Live Editor
- FIXED: Nested Columns not being editable when being inside a sticky Container in Live Editor
- FIXED: Settings panel of child elements added through the add image button in Gallery element not working
- FIXED: Post type for being wrong for Post Cards and Mega Menus in Live Editor
- FIXED: Repeater row for custom fonts section requiring two clicks to remove an item in the Live Editor
- FIXED: Preview frame of Live Editor shifting up when changing last element option of a tab using TAB key
- FIXED: Notification tab being empty in Live Editor for newly created forms
- SECURITY: Fixed CSRF (cross site request forgery) vulnerability in Avada's class-avada-admin.php
Download Avada v7.8.1 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free
v7.8.1 - July 26th, 2022

- NEW: Added possibility to Post Card Cart element to display WooCommerce product variations as part of product post cards
- IMPROVEMENT: Drafted Containers will now be hidden from preview mode in the live editor
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Catalog Enquiry plugin compatibility issue where product exclusion does not work with layouts
- FIXED: WooCommerce cart and checkout page not being editable in live editor when cart is empty
- FIXED: Default Page Template option not being respected in live editor if being set to 100% width
- FIXED: Page parent value not being shown correctly in live editor
- FIXED: Margin options in YouTube and Vimeo elements leading to videos disappearing
- FIXED: Sticky columns offset applying even, if column is not in sticky mode
- FIXED: Sticky columns not being sticky when first being added to the live editor
- FIXED: Number of columns option in Instagram element not working in responsive versions
- FIXED: Woo Active Filters element title typography options not working
- FIXED: Slashes being stripped from page level custom CSS when using live editor
- FIXED: Syntax highlighting for custom CSS field in live editor being hard to read when using dark mode
- FIXED: Column element transform options not being editable in back-end editor
- FIXED: Tabs with icon on top position being displayed incorrectly
- FIXED: Pasting content to Tabs element in live editor leading to content being duplicated
- FIXED: Tab content of Tabs element in mobile mode being displayed above tabs in live editor
- FIXED: Several tabs in desktop mode displaying at once when changing from mobile mode if mobile mode is set to toggle
- FIXED: Number of items global option for Gallery element, having incorrect default value
- FIXED: Sorting option of Gallery element not always working correctly
- FIXED: No tall design options working correctly for attribute select field in WooCommerce Filter By Attribute element
- FIXED: Frequent disconnection of Mailchimp authentication in Avada Form Builder
- FIXED: Parent element content shown in back-end builder, although not being needed
- FIXED: WooCommrece Featured Product DSlider element changing post order in elements using a query that come below it
- FIXED: Sub-menus in Vertical Menu widget being auto open on load and missing styles when displayed in Off-Canvas
- FIXED: Minor display issue in live editor in Container mask options, if hovering last two settings
- FIXED: Container background color option not live updating in live editor when used as overlay color
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Reactions: adammmiller03
Download Avada v7.8.0 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled
v7.8.0 - July 12th, 2022

Avada 7.8 introduces a ton of new features throughout all areas of Avada. New UI features like dark mode or navigator
for the live editor, new elements like Instagram and Woo Mini Cart, and also awesome new design additions like
sticky Columns, Container background masks & patterns, and filters and masonry layout for Post Cards. And there
is so much more. See it all below.

- NEW: Added dark mode to the full UI of Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added a page structure Navigator to Avada Live Builder for easy navigation through all content
- NEW: Typography sets using global sets will now display the set name on hover in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added a preference to have option sub-groups collapsible for easier option management in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added an option to set your preferred builder interface (back-end/front-end) for auto-loading
- NEW: Added Instagram element
- NEW: Added WooCommerce Mini Cart element
- NEW: Added WooCommerce Filters element
- NEW: Added background mask and pattern options to the Container element
- NEW: Added sticky columns setup including responsive choices and offset
- NEW: Added transform options to Column element for awesome default and hover effects
- NEW: Added new mobile mode and sticky options to Tabs element and lots of new styling options
- NEW: Added support for Adobe Fonts (Typekit)
- NEW: Added support for filters in Post Cards element including lots of styling options
- NEW: Added masonry layout and isotope support to Post Cards and Post Card Archives element
- NEW: Added load more functionality and load more button styling options to the Gallery element
- NEW: Added sorting options to the Gallery element
- NEW: Added margin options to all suitable elements that did not have them already
- NEW: Added form input validation pattern options to Text, Email, Phone, and Password elements
- NEW: Added options to set a custom invalid form field input notice to Avada Form elements
- NEW: Added z-index options to Column and Image elements
- NEW: Added option to choose if 100% width template should be the default page template
- NEW: Added option to choose the user type for which post views should be counted
- NEW: Improved the close options tab for Off-Canvas and added an option to automatically close after a set time
- NEW: Added alignment, margin, and dynamic data options to Before & After Image element
- NEW: Added dynamic data options to the Image Hotspot element
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to automatically clear WP's object cache on post save and delete
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to automatically remove empty element parameters from the post content output
- PERFORMANCE: Portfolio- and FAQ-specific CSS will now be skipped when the CPTs are disabled even if CSS compiler is off
- PERFORMANCE: Removed code specific to older versions of Edge browser from Container and Column elements
- SEO: Added new heading tag selection options to Tab, Toggles, and FAQ elements
- SEO: Added new heading tag selection any typography options to Flip Boxes, Social Sharing, Blog, and Recent Posts elements
- SEO: Added structured data options to YouTube and Vimeo elements
- SEO: Added div to the tag selection of Avada Slider Heading and Caption options
- IMPROVEMENT: Required plugin auto-update note will now be automatically triggered after Avada update
- IMPROVEMENT: Fixed flickering of Avada Live Builder UI when using CSS filter options
- IMPROVEMENT: Slider visibility Page Option now also working correctly on setups using page cache
- IMPROVEMENT: New styling for pagination of Avada's admin page screens
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada Forms data to the JS submit event for easier data handling
- IMPROVEMENT: Added prevention of loading loop when global elements reference themselves in element content
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed Button element and Tab element tabs to use inline-flex to vertically center icons and text
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Post Card edit button to Post Card Archives element
- IMPROVEMENT: Minimum spacing of 0 is now possible in Post Cards element
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0 Beta 3
- UPDATED: modernizr JS script to version 3.12
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added aria-labelledby attributes to Toggle and FAQ content wrappers
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-expanded attribute being incorrect in Faq element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed the landmark for legacy page title bars
- ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed the landmark for the to top button
- ACCESSIBILITY: Changed custom header and footer wrappers to use generic divs, to allow Container element tag selection to create a landmark
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Filter Addons plugin filters being reset when products get sorted
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin not working with layout builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Custom Template for LearnDash plugin not working with layout builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed latest version of WooCommerce Paypal plugin causing a fatal error when using the layout builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed PolyLang not copying correct term for layout sections when creating copy for secondary language
- FIXED: JS compiler creating cached JS for each page instead of only pages with different JS components
- FIXED: Container width being wrong interior width is set to site width in a post using a content layout section with container interior width set to 100% width
- FIXED: Custom icons not being applied in Toggles and FAQ elements
- FIXED: iFrame lazy loading option causing video responsiveness to break
- FIXED: iFrame lazy loading breaking Google Maps iFrames
- FIXED: Product in cart icon incorrectly positioned if rollover is disabled
- FIXED: Site width incorrectly changing when using boxed mode and header is disabled
- FIXED: ACF fields added to author profiles not being correctly pulled when using dynamic data in layout sections for author archives
- FIXED: Countdown element being hidden when set to be removed after expiration if countdown is manually set but still active
- FIXED: Image element captions not being hidden when element visibility is removed when using above/below settings
- FIXED: Shortcode generator button missing from TinyMCE in text mode in WordPress 6.0
- FIXED: Button styling issue in Performance Wizard
- FIXED: Font-family change not being correctly saved when running the Performance Wizard
- FIXED: WooCommerce Featured Products Slider and WooCommerce Product Carousel not showing sale and out-of-stock badges correctly
- FIXED: Author name being displayed instead of post title in Post Cards element on author archive page
- FIXED: Section Separator default CSS overriding element CSS when using critical CSS
- FIXED: Old image placeholder markup causing width overflow in some cases
- FIXED: Lightbox not working for posts loaded through infinite scroll in Post Cards element
- FIXED: Lightbox in Image Carousel not working when using dynamic data set to Woo Gallery
- FIXED: Tooltip element having lower z-index than its animated Container parent, hiding the tooltip
- FIXED: Scroll section not always working when a direct link to a specific section is used
- FIXED: Videos not stopping when Modal element is closed if video facade option is used
- FIXED: Default columns not using default column spacing option when editing library containers
- FIXED: Vertical Menu widget not opening sub-menu when current page is part of it, when using custom menu mode
- FIXED: Self-hosted videos not stopping when Off-Canvas is closed
- FIXED: Combine third party CSS files option, when enabled, breaking The Events Calendar Pro V2 views
- FIXED: Font size CSS for headings missing from Off-Canvas
- FIXED: Line breaks in Textblock elements being removed in Off-Canvas
- FIXED: Scroll option still being applied in Off-Canvas, even if overlay is turned off
- FIXED: End date of The Events Calendar events not being considered for multi-day events when only showing upcoming events in Post Cards element
- FIXED: WooCommerce Archive Number of Product Columns option not correctly working in RTL languages
- FIXED: Border-radius of 0px not working in Icon element
- FIXED: Default database submission action in Avada Forms not working, unless explicitly set
- FIXED: Avada Forms saving of POST form submission method not working correctly
- FIXED: Avada Forms POST to URL (non-ajax) not being available
- FIXED: Avada Forms not allowing for empty submission action
- FIXED: Single field placeholders not encoding HTML entities in Avada Forms email notifications
- FIXED: Checklist values not always being correctly displayed in Avada Forms email notifications
- FIXED: Zero as value not working in Avada Forms
- FIXED: Private forms not being shown in the Avada Forms list
- FIXED: Avada Forms upload fields not being sent as links in notification emails
- FIXED: Avada Forms upload field links being displayed as raw HTML in the back-end
- FIXED: Custom Global Typography sets not being applied correctly when set on element base
- FIXED: Set scroller not working correctly in Page Option icon picker option
- FIXED: Tags post meta not being rendered for WooCommerce products in Archive element
- FIXED: Images being double lazy-loaded in the Image element
- FIXED: Point size option being set to 0 not working in the Chart element
- FIXED: WooCommerce Quickview not working correctly, when enabled in Post Card Cart alement but disabled in Global Options
- FIXED: Image element caption Dario not smoothly resizing on browser resize
- FIXED: PHP notice in helpers.php
- FIXED: PHP notice in Button element, when using deprecated shape param
- FIXED: PHP notice in Post Card element when using invalid post type
- FIXED: Fatal error happening in a few cases when connecting to HubSpot
- FIXED: Avada Builder buttons being available on edit screens where the content editor is turned off
- FIXED: Sidebars are not correctly shown when using preview mode in Avada Live Builder and editing a content layout section
- FIXED: Avada Forms Mailchimp script causing a JS error in Avada Live Builder in some cases
- FIXED: Filtering of Page Options not working correctly in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Removing a nested column not being recorded as history step in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Clear Layout button not working correctly when inserting element and container library items in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Rotation animation class being added to title element even if highlight is chosen in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Off-Canvass close button interfering with the Avada Live Builder UI
- FIXED: Box-shadow not always being correctly displayed in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: JS error when moving a Column element into an empty Container element
Download Avada v7.7.1 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free
v7.7.1 - April 20th, 2022 Big Thanks To @manni82001

- NEW: Added a trigger of the HubSpot chat to the dynamic data sources
- NEW: Added Skip Lazy Loading option to the Column element
- NEW: Added Boxed Padding element option to the Social Links element
- IMPROVEMENT: WordPress default custom fields are now available as dynamic data sources
- IMPROVEMENT: Popover content in Image Hotspot element now allows HTML
- IMPROVEMENT: Allow more columns on larger screens in the Avada Studio modal
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Product Addons plugin causing JS error on the cart page
- FIXED: Events Calendar search bar missing mobile icons for search and filters
- FIXED: Quick edit links for Avada Forms, Post Cards and Menus not working in back-end editor
- FIXED: Child element content being escaped when editing a sibling in the back-end editor
- FIXED: Tag Cloud element missing taxonomy option on back-end editor
- FIXED: Width of items being incorrect in Social Links element when using font size in ems
- FIXED: Issue in latest version of Event Tickets plugin, causing a fatal error when using the layout builder
- FIXED: Wrong menu item being highlighted when using anchor scrolling
- FIXED: Fatal error happening on PHP 8.1 in image class when images are corrupted and thus don't have dimensions set
- FIXED: Avada Studio import option buttons overlapping the sticky menu in the Setup Wizard
- FIXED: Font size not being based on px not working in Checklist element in live editor
Download Avada v7.7 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free
v7.7 - April 12th, 2022

Avada 7.7 introduces the setup wizard, speeding up the creation of your next website project. You can either start
from a prebuilt site or let the wizard guide you through color, typography, and content selection in an intuitive and fun
to use way.

See the promo video here:

- NEW: Added a complete setup wizard to Avada, which guides you through the process of setting up a full site incl.
registration, automatic plugin install, colors, typography, layouts, and other content
- NEW: Added notification (auto-reply) options to Avada Forms, so that you can easily send different emails to different recipients on form submission
- NEW: Added option to Avada Studio to invert colors of the content
- NEW: Added option to Avada Studio to apply local color and typography styles to the content (live preview available)
- NEW: Added option to Avada Studio to import content either with images or placeholders
- NEW: Added import button to the preview area of Avada Studio content for easier import
- NEW: Added option to right click menu in live editor to easily invert colors of a Container using background-color with a global color
- NEW: Added reject all cookies buttons option to privacy banner
- NEW: System font stacks can now be chosen in all font selection fields
- NEW: Extended the typography options in all suitable elements
- NEW: Added Text Transform options into the combined global font options
- NEW: Added option to trigger Off-Canvas when product gets added to cart and when an Avada form gets submitted
- NEW: Added image aspect ratio feature to the Gallery element
- NEW: Added object-fit option to Post Card Image element
- NEW: Added option to pull posts from WooCommerce Featured Products in Post Cards element
- NEW: Added element options to Post Cards element to style the load more button
- NEW: Added custom icon option to change cart icon in WooCommerce Notices element
- NEW: Avada WooCommerce swatches styles are now also being used in WooCommerce widgets
- NEW: Added option to show variation prices in Woo Add To Cart element even if all variations share the same price
- NEW: Added several new styling options to the FAQ element
- NEW: Added option to easily activate support for uploading SVG files to the media library
- NEW: Added HTML tag selection option to the Column element
- NEW: Added reading time decimal precision option to the meta element
- NEW: Added quick links to elements to easily edit related Post Cards, Menus, and Forms
- NEW: Avada's Edit Live Menu will now list all used layouts used on a page with their names and types, including a direct link to the layout
- NEW: Added language choice option to the Facebook Page element
- NEW: Added WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, My Account, and Terms & Conditions page links to dynamic data
- NEW: Added dynamic data options to the User Login element
- PERFORMANCE: Added an option to choose the kind of security nonce you want to use in Avada Forms
- PERFORMANCE: Added a global option to count post views, on page load, through AJAX or to disable it completely
- IMPROVEMENT: Moved the color name to first position in global color definition
- IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce product search results will now also use the search layout if one is set
- IMPROVEMENT: Layout Section titles are now available as HTML title attributes for easier readability
- IMPROVEMENT: Term slugs are now available as HTML title attributes in Layout Conditions
- IMPROVEMENT: Privacy consent options now also work when using video facade option
- IMPROVEMENT: Added better error reporting for prebuilt site import for easier debugging
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada dashboard video iFrame now loads only on demand
- IMPROVEMENT: Added better option grouping to the Toggle element
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that custom sticky header is not initialized when using 100% height scrolling sections
- IMPROVEMENT: Image focus point is now available, even if image is retrieved from dynamic data source
- IMPROVEMENT: Change label/placeholder text in User Login element to Username or Email
- IMPROVEMENT: Animated content will now fall back to being just auto-displayed if old browsers don't support IntersectionOberver
- IMPROVEMENT: "0" as string value is now allowed in Avada Forms select field
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- UPDATED: Compatibility with PHP 8.1
- UPDATED: Compatibility with The Events Calendar 6.0 Beta
- UPDATED: Global Options Favicon settings for modern devices and use cases
- UPDATED: Several color options that did not have defaults
- ACCESSIBILITY: Make next/prev arrows focusable in Image Carousel element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added focus trap to Off-Canvas for correct tab key progression
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added role="alert" to the Alert element
- ACCESSIBILITY: Move the close button to the end of the Alert element for screen readers
- ACCESSIBILITY: Added label to the Woo Cart Coupon element input
- ACCESSIBILITY: Login field IDs are now unique when using multiple WooCommerce login boxes different menus
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed scrollspy library issue with WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder plugin
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed issue with WP Hide & Security Enhancer when using Combine Third Party CSS Files option
- COMPATIBILITY: Removed changelog iFrame embed from Avada dashboard to fix issue with security rule on some hosts
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WP Offload Media plugin throwing fatal error on activation when SVG media files are used
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin issue with Avada's quantity boxes
- COMPATIBILITY: Woocommerce Catalog Enquiry plugin now works with the Woo Add To Cart element
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Woo Notices Element when using WooCommerce Payments plugin
- COMPATIBILITY: Event Tickets Plus attendee registration incorrectly being shown in layout sections
- FIXED: iFrame based privacy consents not working when using lazy-loading option
- FIXED: Lazy-loading scripts not being correctly loaded when only iFrame Lazy Loading option is set to Avada
- FIXED: Boxed mode shadow and framed scrolling not working correctly when being set in Global Options
- FIXED: Global styles being applied to buttons when Critical CSS option is used
- FIXED: Global font backup font not always correctly being saved
- FIXED: Color picker position not always being exact
- FIXED: Social Sharing Box post title being double encoded in email subject
- FIXED: Live search showing search results from other languages in Search element when using Polylang
- FIXED: Duplicate data-touchscroll attribute in Related Posts element
- FIXED: Single portfolio pages being 404 in secondary languages when using WPML String Translation plugin
- FIXED: Visiting a category page while using WPML causing a fatal error in very rare cases
- FIXED: Avada Form submissions not working in secondary language when using WPML
- FIXED: Timezone on events edit screen always being set to UTC+0 incorrectly
- FIXED: Changing Include Context setting in title dynamic data not reflecting changes
- FIXED: Calendar rendering being incorrect when using Events Calendar Pro tribe_mini_calendar shortcode
- FIXED: Background color not being applied to custom icons in Social Links element when custom colors are chosen
- FIXED: Incorrect home label being used in breadcrumbs on the blog page, when a dedicated blog page is set
- FIXED: Sticky containers inside an Off-Canvas not being ignored in general offset calculation
- FIXED: bbPress styling issues regarding pagination
- FIXED: Global typography trigger missing from Button element in live editor
- FIXED: Gravity Forms textareas not having the correct border width
- FIXED: WooCommerce product quantity boxes being incorrectly styled when using Gravity Forms
- FIXED: WooCommerce product variation label being incorrectly styled in latest WooCommerce version
- FIXED: WooCommerce product search results page using incorrect page width
- FIXED: WooCommerce product search results page being tied to the product loop being set on the shop page
- FIXED: WooCommerce mini cart menu cart and checkout button colors are incorrect on focus state
- FIXED: WooCommerce notices border size being incorrect
- FIXED: Checkout continue button being incorrectly displayed when using the Woo Checkout Billing element
- FIXED: Styling of Post Card element bein incorrect at times when using infinite scroll loading because of column ID collisions
- FIXED: Slider layout of Post Cards element not working when used as part of Content Layout
- FIXED: Post Card add to cart button missing hover style if left at default
- FIXED: Rollover on Post Card Image element not being automatically triggered when product gets added to cart
- FIXED: Post Card element animation firing for all elements after infinite scroll loading is completed
- FIXED: Third level menu not expanding in Avada Vertical Menu Widget
- FIXED: Menu element wrongly positioned in desktop mode when resizing from opened mobile menu
- FIXED: Sliding bar menu icon being misaligned on mobile
- FIXED: Mobile menu submenu open icon is logically reversed in Menu element
- FIXED: Legacy menu center and right position not working
- FIXED: Back-end builder not escaping HTML of child elements correctly
- FIXED: Link to album in Flickr element resulting in 404
- FIXED: Drag & drop of child elements in parent element option modal not working in back-end editor
- FIXED: Some image caption effects in Image element having slight display issues in some cases
- FIXED: Import of single pages from prebuilts not fully working
- FIXED: FAQ element toggle +/- icons being logically reversed
- FIXED: Menu First Level Style option not being hidden on second-level menu items
- FIXED: Off Canvas "on click" triggers not working with legacy mobile menu
- FIXED: Off Canvas special menu element trigger having wrong close icon size
- FIXED: Off Canvas ignoring rules if default state option is set to open
- FIXED: Toggle element not working correctly when used inside Off Canvas
- FIXED: Custom color options missing from Tag Cloud element in back-end editor
- FIXED: Duplicate variable definition in Tag Cloud element.
- FIXED: Patcher not working correctly for the required plugins
- FIXED: Alert element using Font Awesome icons, which can lead to missing icons if deactivated in Global Options
- FIXED: Disable Emoji script option not disabling DNS prefetch
- FIXED: Custom CSS on page level stripping slashes which can break the CSS output
- FIXED: Global Options font search not working for all available fonts
- FIXED: Flyout menu anchor link trying to close all flyouts on a page instead of just its parent
- FIXED: Local time not correctly respected when using date dynamic data option
- FIXED: Critical CSS being created for all posts of a CPT only being applied to latest post
- FIXED: Lightbox video duplicated in some cases on portfolio posts when video is added through Page Options
- FIXED: Media Slider element not having image srcset attribute set when lazy-loading is enabled
- FIXED: Font count in Performance Wizard being incorrect in some cases
- FIXED: Checklist element title names displaying incorrectly, when items get bulk added
- FIXED: Fuse dependency missing for Performance Wizard
- FIXED: Setting Container element background color in live editor also setting same color to any nested container
- FIXED: Issue in Gallery element where you can't update images when mixing back-end and live editor
- FIXED: Layout condition for dedicated front-page not being used on back-end Page Options
- FIXED: Submenu hover color preview not working in Menu element in live editor
- FIXED: Button element hover color preview not working in live editor
- FIXED: Blend mode being off in live editor
- FIXED: Missing string sanitation causing CSS to break, if string translation for a language is incorrectly using newline char
- FIXED: Side-header position being incorrect in live editor, after closing the main panel sidebar
- FIXED: Droppable zones in live editor being visible in some cases when they should not be
- FIXED: Avada Form entries export not working correctly when there are multiple fields with same label
- FIXED: Avada Forms tooltip icon not using the form label text color
- FIXED: Avada Forms border-radius Page Option reset and default not correctly displayed in live editor
- FIXED: Avada Forms not live updating in live editor on form options import
- FIXED: Column IDs of Post Card element not correct in live editor causing potential styling issues
- FIXED: Responsive typography not correctly recalculated in Toggle element in live editor when changing options
- FIXED: Undefined image size of Image element leading to JS error when trying to switch pages in live editor
- FIXED: Element dependency map not fully live updating on live editor
- FIXED: Changing global color not live updating the options using that color in live editor
- FIXED: Invalid category not being unselectable in multi-select field in live editor
- FIXED: Additional white space being displayed in Tooltip element trigger text in live editor
- FIXED: Font name being malformatted in live editor if there are quotes in the font name
- FIXED: Styling issue between Menu elements on option change in live editor, when several are on a single page
- FIXED: Flickering tooltip of last color picker in an option tab making the color option unusable
- FIXED: Google fonts family missing from elements imported through Avada Studio in live editor
- FIXED: Sharing Box element icon font size and boxed padding not live updating in live editor
- FIXED: A few JS checks incorrectly using undefined without quotes
- FIXED: PHP warning regarding non-numeric value being encountered when base font size is set to a variable
- FIXED: PHP warning on archive pages using a layout but not having posts
- FIXED: PHP warning on checkout page when Woo Checkout Form element being used only once
- SECURITY: Fixed SSRF (server-side request forgery) vulnerability in Avada Forms fusionAction parameter