Admin Columns Pro - Manage Columns in WordPress

Admin Columns Pro - Manage Columns in WordPress 6.4.16 Nulled

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* [Fixed] Corruption issues affecting certain languages in the core.
* [Fixed] Resolved a fatal error that occurred when a template folder was defined but contained no templates.
* [Improved] MetaBox integration now loads even when the AllInOne plugin is active without the core.
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.12
* [Fixed] Export for Discount columns (Orders) did not work
* [Fixed] Post Link Editing was not working correctly
* [Fixed] Fixed query arguments for the Search query in Product Taxonomy (Orders)
* [Added] Editing support for Order TransactionID and Payment method
* [Added] Added GTIN, IPC, EAN, and ISBN columns
* [Improved] Polylang now returns correct columns for quick edit
* [Improved] Show price for Variation value modal
* [Improved] License checks now update renewed licenses automatically
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.11
* [Added] New WooCommerce Product column: GTIN, UPC, EAN, or ISBN
* [Improved] Recursive value export for Gravity Forms List field
* [Improved] Export values without HTML for default WooCommerce HPOS tables
* [Fixed] Export for Media Orientation column does now export the correct value
* [Fixed] Column resize did not work when the Extended view was selected in the Screen Options
* [Fixed] PHP warning for deprecated function in Average Order Interval column
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.10
* [Fixed] Prevent conflicting classnames for generated column names
* [Added] Introduced the Yoast Related Keyphrases column
* [Added] Enabled Smart Filtering for the HPOS Order Notes column
* [Added] Added Bulk Delete option for WooCommerce Orders
* [Improved] Added filtering for Events column on Organizer and Venue tables
* [Improved] Support for adding new numeric Product Attributes (Taxonomy) via `acp/editing/taxonomy/numeric_term_names` hook
* [Fixed] WooCommerce Product column now filters correctly on the Shop Subscription table
* [Fixed] The ‘Is not’ operator is now available for WooCommerce Product filtering on the Orders page
* [Fixed] WooCommerce subscription status filtering now displays accurate options
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.9
* [Improved] Better edit term link with taxonomy as parameter
* [Fixed] WYSIWYG editing modal closes when adding a link in the editor
* [Fixed] Leaving date time editing empty, will now clear the value
* [Improved] Set default focus on value field for the Price editing modal
* [Improved] Sticky Header improvements for multiline headers
* [Improved] Added Modified Date column to Product Variation table
* [Improved] Added Before and After setting to Author column
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.8
* [Fixed] WooCommerce Order Meta: Enhanced filtering and editing capabilities for select options.
* [Fixed] WooCommerce Variation Image: Improved filtering accuracy for the 'is set' condition, ensuring correct results.
* [Fixed] WooCommerce Grouped By Column: Resolved display issue that affected the grouped by column view.
* [Fixed] WooCommerce Order Count: Corrected sorting behavior for order counts.
* [Fixed] Gravity Forms: Implemented fallback check for WP_Error handling.
* [Added] Introduced export functionality for the Aspect Ratio column.
* [Added] WooCommerce HPOS Order and Subscription Table: Added a new WooCommerce ID column.
* [Added] WooCommerce Stock Threshold: New column introduced in the Product and Product Variation table.
* [Fixed] Added Excel spreadsheet compatibility/escaping when exporting data to CSV. Reported Issue Reference: CVE-2019-17661
* [Fixed] Use the correct date format storage for MetaBox dates
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.7
* [Improved] Expanded year options in the date column dropdown for editing.
* [Improved] Numeric values in Smart Filtering are now formatted.
* [Improved] Custom Field with multiple values now supports JSON.
* [Improved] Presets are now sorted correctly on the Tools page.
* [Improved] User Registered date format is now customizable.
* [Fixed] Daily license check reliability issues resolved.
* [Fixed] Column header and Bulk Edit button mismatch issue when columns were reordered.
* [Fixed] JetEngine Selectbox now correctly returns the label for '0' keyed options.
* [Fixed] Product Taxonomy column filtering on the WooCommerce Order page now works correctly.
* [Fixed] Adding a new Conditional Format now works when Smart Filtering is disabled.
* [Fixed] Custom Field column with Post as Display value error resolved.
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.6
* [Improved] Export for Products Sold now exports a numeric value
* [Fixed] WooCommerce Notes column could give an error on the Private note display
* [Fixed] Gravity Forms Form column, did not work for nested Gutenberg Blocks
* [Fixed] Filtering yearly on ACF Date field now works correctly
* [Fixed] Force the new table view ID when copying table views based on templates
* [Fixed] Search comparison MimeType fixed
* [Fixed] Javascript bug when selecting the Month picker in Smart Filtering
* [Fixed] The Custom Field column setting gave an error when using the text field hook
* [Fixed] The Inline Edit toggle was not always visible
* [Improved] Filtering on the Publish Date column does not force to filter only published post anymore
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.4