* [Fixed] Missing filtering button on Taxonomy pages when filtering is enabled
* [Fixed] Smart Filtering and Filtering re-implemented for Gravity Forms
* [Fixed] Filtering on the Toolset Types Relationship column gave a fatal error
* [Improved] Always sort on a second unique column to prevent duplicate records on paginated tables
* [Improved] You can now disable integration from the Addons tab
* [Improved] ACF WYSIWYG editing improved
* [BuddyPress] Added editing support for the User Groups column
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.3
* [Fixed] Fatal error when Restoring the settings in the Settings tab
* [Added] New filter for the 'Posts by Author' column on the User table
* [Improved] Filter drop-downs for user related data now allows you to search for the user display name
* [Improved] Single table view export is now pretty printed
* [Improved] Better sorting for columns with non unique values
* [Pods] Repeatable fields are not supported anymore until we have build fully support for repeatable fields
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7.2
* [Fixed] JetEngine Post Relationship Smart Filtering gave an error
* [Fixed] Export for the Subscription Relationship column, does not work anymore
* [Fixed] Export for the WooCommerce Status did not work
* [Improved] Show 250 items in Filter drop downs by default
* [Added] Added a new hook that allows developers to alter the max number of options in drop down lists used in Filtering `ac/select/query/limit`.
* [Improved] Filtering dropdowns for Custom Field text fields are back instead of open text fields
* [Fixed] Fixed a fatal error when a user was selected as conditional but had no first or last name
* [ToolsetTypes] Fixed an Uncaught TypeError in the Checkbox field column
* [Fixed] The update script triggered a fatal error
* [JetEngine] Meta Boxes for Media Post Type are now supported
* [WooCommerce] It is now possible to select more Product properties for the Grouped by column
* [Added] New User Column: Admin Color Scheme
* [Added] New Media Columns: Aspect Ratio & Orientation (Landscape, Portrait, or Square)
* [Added] New Wrapping setting: Allows to clip the column values to create more compact views
* [Added] New Preset feature: Added the option to create column presets (column templates) and store them with your theme or plugin
* [Fixed] When editing a column on the Media page, the value was not updated in the colum itself
* [Fixed] Fixed an issue where non-existing terms could cause an error on the column settings page
* [Updated] Smart Filtering has been rebuilt from scratch and no longer relies on third-party plugins
* [Updated] It is now possible to search for Saved Filters in the drop down on the table page
* [Updated] The standard filtering dropdowns are optimised and no longer rely on caching. They are now populated with AJAX. Some filtering dropdowns have been replaced with open text fields.
* [Improved] It is now possible to choose how dates are stored in the Custom Field column
* [Improved] Added "Select" Custom Field Type with UI for option input and new filter `acp/column/settings/select_options`
* [Improved] Webp images are not recognized for the custom field column
* [GravityForms] Remove Smart Filtering and Filtering from support
* [JetEngine] More operators for the Relationship Smart Filter
* [JetEngine] Better Support for fields that use the Glossary options
* [WooCommerce] Sorting and Filtering support for HPOS Shipping Method column
* [WooCommerce] New HPOS column: Returning Customer
* [WooCommerce] New HPOS column: Order Meta
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.7
* [Fixed] Resolved an issue where the Saved Filters list displayed duplicate records
* [Fixed] Fixed a bug where filtering on an ACF Number field in combination with sorting could lead to empty search results
* [Fixed] Corrected the incorrect URLs for Terms in Taxonomy columns, ensuring that links now point to the correct destinations
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.6.9
* [Fixed] Taxonomy helper class gave a PHP 8.2 warning.
* [Fixed] Re-added all Pro features for the MS User list table.
* [Fixed] The Media Library for inline editing sometimes only showed items that were not used.
* [Improved] More operators for Smart Filtering for the Slug column.
* [ACF] Added a new hook that allows developers to write custom support for third-party ACF fields: `acp/acf/column`.
* [WooCommerce] Editing support for the Subscription date columns.
* [WooCommerce] Editing support for the Product Featured column.
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core to version 4.6.8.
* [Improved] Gravatar option added for the Last Modified Author column
* [Fixed] Deleting an HPOS order gave an error
* [Fixed] Use alias for joined tables in Sorting queries to prevent empty results
* [Fixed] Reset sorting for a table that has not yet saved settings was not possible
* [Improved] Changed the Conditional Formatting style hook from `acp/conditional_format/color_styles` to `acp/conditional_format/formats`
* [Improved] New date operators for Conditional Formatting: Within Days, More than ... days ago, Less than ... days ago
* [Fixed] Error when adding the 'Last Modified Author' column
* [Fixed] Sorting for Custom Field column with field type set to 'Default' did not work anymore
* [Fixed] The order for Saved Filters was reversed
* [WooCommerce] Added sorting to more HPOS columns
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core version 4.6.7