Add-on Update Notifier

Add-on Update Notifier 1.1.8

No permission to download
Author jessy
Creation date
Previous version checked for exact add-on url, which doesn't work in case an add-on has changed URL (title)
New version checks with the slug id so it is still matching correct add-on when a developer changes their add-on name
Note: This is a backend change, meaning: there is no new package to install
Since XF2.3 the pages have <time>-elements with slightly different markup to denote timestamps.
Our backend is now updated to correctly read the timestamp for add-on updates
Show buttons for download/changelog in the notice on top of the add-ons page:
  • Basically a fix to hide the "update available" info and buttons for add-ons that are disabled.
A bunch of add-ons are using the 90-prefix to bump down the version_string, while still using a larger number.

We had code in the backend to handle this when parsing the version from add-on pages, but had forgotten to add logic that could automatically notice & mark these add-ons as using the "90-prefix/hack". So a couple add-ons in our system were being parsed as using "normal" versioning.

Because of this a couple of add-ons have not been reported as having updates when your forums' have checked in.

The backend is now fixed so that it can automatically mark add-ons using the 90-hack
By default (since this update) the download button has been set to download directly from if possible. This release adds the option to prefer downloading from developer's own site if it exis
We added a new section to our site that highlights new/fresh and trending add-ons that might be of interest.

The existing "best Xenforo Add-ons" page only highlights the most used ones, which favors older add-ons that have been around a long time and therefore will likely have more installs.

This new section is more dynamic and will boost newer add-ons higher up to promote new and popular add-ons as well.

Currently, the formula is a quite basic number of installs / days since release, but it seems to be a quite good gague. We might tweak this formula later, but we want to keep it so that newer add-ons are boosted, while still striking a balance for how much in use they are..
Don't show version/download/changelog info in the "Upgradeable" box.
(When FTP uploading zip archive with new version)
Since @Xon has started using a special versioning format to streamline their development, we needed to update our backend to be able to map their released version_string values to the actual version_id values used.

This is a backend change so there is no need for updating the add-on on your site, and you should start getting update notifications for Xon's add-ons correctly again.
Since it was requested by a few customers to allow more add-ons, we decided to add 2 new tiers..

If you currently have e.g. 60 extra add-ons and choose to upgrade to 120 extra, the remaining days on your current license will be prorated, e.g. 50 days remaining on license @ 60 extra add-ons becomes 25 days remainings @ 120 add-ons + 1 year from that date.