WooCommerce Subscriptions

WooCommerce Subscriptions 7.3.0

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated WooCommerce Subscriptions with a new update entry:


* Fix: When a customer changes their address during a subscription switch, don't save their new address in the postmeta table when HPOS is enabled. #4489
* Fix: When HPOS is enabled, changing your address while paying for a renewal order will update the address on the subscription. #4491
* Fix: Prevent admin error notices being shown for the "subscription trial end" event that was caused by no callbacks being attached to this scheduled action. #4491
* Fix: Prevent fatal error when copying...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated WooCommerce Subscriptions with a new update entry:


* Fix: Incorrect switch calculation when upgrading a synchronised product before the first renewal is due where the initial payment was prorated.
* Fix: When updating a subscription via the REST API, don't update the start date to the current time if the start date is not set in the request.
* Fix: When using the checkout block to pay for renewal orders, ensure the order's cart hash is updated to make sure the existing order can be used.
* Fix: Prevents a PHP fatal error that occurs when the...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated WooCommerce Subscriptions with a new update entry:


* Fix: Resolved an issue that caused ordering the Admin Subscriptions List Table to not work when HPOS is enabled.
* Fix: When switching all subscription items in the same cart, ensure the previous subscription is reused where possible instead of creating all new subscriptions.
* Update: Changed the edit subscription product "Expire after" (Subscription length) so it more clearly describes when a subscription will automatically stop renewing.
* Update: Log all exceptions caught by...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated WooCommerce Subscriptions with a new update entry:


* Add: Subscription plugin settings can now be fetched via the /wc/v3/settings/subscriptions REST API endpoint.
* Fix: Trigger the subscription.updated webhook event for all subscription updates.
* Fix: Block the UI after a customer clicks actions on the My Account > Subscriptions page to prevent multiple requests from being sent.
* Fix: WC 8.6.0 compatibility: Resolved wc_get_log_file_path() deprecation warnings.

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated WooCommerce Subscriptions with a new update entry:


* Fix: Ensure the subscription renewal payment process doesn't attempt to reprocess previously paid renewal orders.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where discounts, when reapplied to failed or manual subscription order payments, would incorrectly account for inclusive tax.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that could cause an empty error notice to appear on the My Account > Payment methods page when a customer attempted to delete a token used by subscriptions.
* Fix: Make sure we always clear the...

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