WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS

WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS 3.6.0

No permission to download
Bro recently I have been charged 10$ credit. Again my account is limited.
now ,it was changed,becuase more people was download like flood,There is not a high probability of spending credits on resource download,But credit rules was exists with

if (mt_rand(0,200)<10){
credits event
no credits event
thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS with a new update entry:


- [ ] 🎄 API - https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/8538142/2s9Ykn8gvj
- [ ] 💸 Paddle Billing ( new method - can work also on older versions ).
- [ ] 🔗 Privacy & terms pages on landing page
- [ ] 🪲All Messages are on single side
- [ ] 🪲 Handle removed client
- [ ] 🪲 Handle free plan id not found or missing plans
- [ ] 🪲 Campaigns can also have null for company_id, try catch it
- [ ] 🪲Handle big number of messages at once.

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS with a new update entry:


How to update

[Updating Shared Hosting](https://www.notion.so/Updating-Shared-Hosting-80bde60a919a43e8a4f913dfda32eb56?pvs=21)


- [ ] [Laravel 10](https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/releases) - Brings security updates and latest php support
- [ ] [Bulk contacts actions](https://twitter.com/dimovdaniel/status/1758240687105917328)
- [ ] [Agents - Assign chats to support staff](https://twitter.com/dimovdaniel/status/1757716497344893262)
- [ ] Template based bots
- [ ] Regular bots enhanced...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS with a new update entry:

17 Jun 2024

This v3.0 update is a major version, that brings a lot of new features. But you can update via the Easy update method, just by uploading the new version of the modules, and the updated files of the core project.

Translation on messages 2Ways ( Free Module ) - VIDEO
WhatsApp Chat Widget ( Free Module ) - VIDEO
Flow Maker ( Free Module )
Template manager...

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