Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application 6.5 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application with a new update entry:

October 25, 2023

  1. NEW: Backup using AWS S3 – Documentation Link
  2. NEW:Added new permission to disable payment options in add/edit roles.
    • Disable Multiple Pay, Disable Draft, Disable Express Checkout, Disable Discount, Disable Suspend Sale, Disable credit sale button, Disable Quotation, Disable Card
  3. NEW: Service Staff Pin –...

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application with a new update entry:

January 29, 2024

  1. IMPROVEMENT: In Add/Edit contact contact type (Indivisual/Business) is now getting saved.
  2. IMPROVEMENT: Delivery note translation added
  3. IMPROVEMENT: CRON command improved. (if the existing command is working fine then no need to change it)
  4. FIX: Email sending issue when enabling “Allow businesses to use Superadmin email configuration” from superadmin.
  5. FIX: Products in sell showing “out of stock” if “customer group” has Price...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application with a new update entry:

July 13, 2024

NEW: Google Recaptcha Option in Login screen (DOCUMENT)
IMPROVE: Stock transfer and adjustment permission to show/hide price (DOCUMENT1, DOCUMENT2)
FIX: Nexmo SMS integration issue
FIX: Location issue when using openstreetmap for HRM Attendance location
FIX: Assigning a delivery person in POS Screen
FIX: Delivery charge will not allow negative value.
FIX: Precision issue in POS Subtotal
FIX: POS Invoice print issue for multiple pages

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application with a new update entry:

30 Aug 2024

  1. NEW: Adding COGS in Profit-Loss Report
  2. NEW: Displayed product stock remaining in POS screen and “Add Sell” screen
  3. NEW: Displayed product image in POS screen and “Add Sell” screen
  4. FIX: Ledger showing incorrect balance
  5. FIX: Purchase Order always showing in base unit fixed.
  6. FIX: Remove unwanted text in invoice setting page
  7. FIX: When deleting a product check if it has existing sales or not for stock-disabled products...

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