Ultimate 4 in 1 PrestaShop Product Reviews+Google customer reviews+Google rich snippets+Google reCAP

Ultimate 4 in 1 PrestaShop Product Reviews+Google customer reviews+Google rich snippets+Google reCAP 2.2.1

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Sep 11, 2021
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thanks to dear member @hargrave submitted a new resource:

Ultimate 4 in 1 PrestaShop Product Reviews+Google customer reviews+Google rich snippets+Google reCAP - Ultimate 4 in 1 PrestaShop 1.7 & 8 Product Reviews module

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Customers can share their own views about products, not just plain text, they can use short and simple words to describe products, they can upload one image, they can also reply other customers' reviews.
Ultimate 4 in 1 PrestaShop 1.7 & 8 Product Reviews module, it includes Product ratings & Product reviews feature + Google customer reviews + Google rich snippets + Google reCAPTCHA. With this module your site will be one leave up.

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Ultimate 4 v 1 PrestaShop je modul, který kombinuje několik klíčových funkcí pro zlepšení důvěryhodnosti e-shopu, zvýšení SEO a zabezpečení webu. Tento balíček zahrnuje:

  1. Recenze produktů
  2. Google zákaznické recenze
  3. Google bohaté úryvky (Rich Snippets)
  4. Google reCAPTCHA