TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin

TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin 1.5.5 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @emmie updated TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use with a new update entry:

v2.3.5 + v1.1.9 Nulled

Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.5 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled
= 2.3.5 =

* Added feature to remember user language for WooCommerce emails. Both admins and customers now receive all Woo emails in their preferred language, not just on checkout
* Improved handling of empty or invalid schema json arrays in script tags on translated languages

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use with a new update entry:


  • Added preferred language field in WP edit user profile form, to be used in emails
  • Improved updating and optimizing database tool by communicating possible errors if they occur
  • Improved speed by caching locale language
  • Improved loading time when using Divi
  • Fixed mixed collation errors in some cases
  • Fixed license notice appearing incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed function that gets user’s preferred language

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use with a new update entry:


  • Fixed cases of sprintf errors when running PHP 8+
  • Fixed some gettext strings not selectable in Translation Editor when on secondary languages
  • Fixed edge case not being able to save CPT when slug is translated and default language subdirectory is enabled
  • Improved trp_language conditional shortcode by not running contents through Automatic Translation

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