Standard Library by Xon

Standard Library by Xon 1.2.15

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated Standard Library by Xon with a new update entry:


  • Deprecate getContentPermissions function, as the 2nd string argument was not actually used, with a replacement function getPerContentPermissions added.
  • Add \SV\StandardLib\Helper::isAddOnActive() helper function. Similar to \XF::isAddonActive(), except it understands version strings
  • Shim template funciton is_addon_active code to understand version strings

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated Standard Library by Xon with a new update entry:


  • Only add phrase_dynamic template method in XF2.1
  • Add various strongly typed helpers to automatically type hint returns based on using ::class argument instead of magic strings.
    $obj = Helper::repository(\XF\Repository\User::class);

    For static analysis and IDE, $obj will have the type \XF\Repository\User

    While XF2.3 intends to implement this, adding this functionality to this add-on allows migrating before hand and simplifies migrating as the Helper bit just...

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