Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro

Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro 8.58.0 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* New: WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.3 compatible
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Stock Status' column doesn't update automatically with changes in the 'Backorders' column
* Fix: Duplicate values in the 'Product categories', and 'Exclude categories' WooCommerce Coupons restrictions fields when updating using Bulk edit
* Update: POT file

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* New: WooCommerce 8.6.0 compatible
* New: Access Privilege Settings - give controlled access to individual users in addition to user roles (Pro)
* Fix: Data not loading for WooCommerce Subscriptions 'Date' fields like 'Schedule End', 'Schedule Next Payment', etc. (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit, Bulk edit & previous value not getting updated for WooCommerce Subscriptions 'Date' fields like 'Schedule End', 'Schedule Next Payment', etc. (Pro)
* Fix: PHP fatal error when updating 'Attributes' field...

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thanks to dear member @work updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* New: WooCommerce 8.6.1 compatible
* Fix: Column tooltip not getting updated after enabling/disabling using show/hide columns
* Fix: 'increase by/decrease by' operators for date fields not working properly in Bulk edit functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Undo functionality not working properly for date/datetime fields (Pro)
* Fix: HTML tags in the 'Description' and 'Additional Description' fields within the exported CSV causing issues during CSV import (Pro)
* Update: POT file

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* Fix: 'Attributes' column values doesn't render properly in Bulk edit panel for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Simple Search not searching 'Billing Email' field properly in WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Custom post statuses not visible in the 'Post Status' column on the dashboard for any post type
* Fix: Advanced Search query returning cached results
* Update: POT file

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* New: WordPress 6.5 compatible
* Fix: 'Featured' column not detected in 'Column Manager' on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: PHP 8.1.27 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string when clicking on 'Load More Products' button on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Advanced Search not filtering null value for date fields on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warning when fetching all accessible views for current user (Pro)
* Update: POT file

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thanks to dear member @work updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* New: WordPress 6.5.2 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 8.8.2 compatible
* New: Compatibility with [Legal Pages](
* Fix: PHP warning when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Using 'increase by/decrease by' Bulk Edit operators setting value to '0' for WooCommerce Products 'Regular price' & 'Sale price' fields having empty values (Pro)
* Fix: Using 'increase by/decrease by' Bulk Edit operators setting value to '0' for any numeric fields having...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro with a new update entry:


* New: WooCommerce 8.9.1 compatible
* Fix: PHP warnings occur and no content is displayed on the 'Go Pro' page if WooCommerce is not activated
* Fix: Array to string conversion PHP notice when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Settings button not redirecting properly on 'Docs & Support' page (Pro)
* Update: 'Author' column now displays name and email address on WooCommerce Product Stock Log or any tasks dashboard
* Update: Administrators now have the capability to manage...

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