Scalability Pro

Scalability Pro 5.93

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Scalability Pro with a new update entry:

13th October 2023

* Option to cache post counts for admin pages created
- this has been separated out from defer term counts as a separate option, but it's still in the import tab because it helps most with admins running imports a lot
- option has also been updated to exclude shop_order post types from the cache since order statuses change frequently and admins need to see what items remain to be done

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Scalability Pro with a new update entry:

15th November 2023

* Added new SPRO_PREVENT_WPAI_DUP_CHECK definition
- setting this to true can help speed up WP All Import if you have large imports
- this seems to be dependent on your config for your 'unique key' which is normally automated
* Fixed bug with fixing Woo Onboarding code
- the has_products function was fixed previously, now the is_new_install is properly fixed
- previously the fix had only been added to some admin pages, this fix now stops that slow code running on WP All Import batches...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Scalability Pro with a new update entry:

22nd November 2023

* Moved all 'query' filters into special handlers to ensure they only run when required, e.g. when cron, when is_admin, or when front-end depending on the filter
* Fixed slow query log - it was still possible for this to be running on every query
* Removed code that was spoofing the new install and has_products
- this is instead replaced by our own post count cache
- the previous method of spoofing 1 item for each post_status was being cached and used elsewhere where it wasn't useful

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