ReReplacer Pro

ReReplacer Pro 14.3.1

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated ReReplacer Pro with a new update entry:


11-May-2023 : v12.8.2
# [PRO] Fixes issue with SQL error concerning 'a.params' on upgrade from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 when using MariaDB

25-Apr-2023 : v12.8.1
# Fixes styling issue on the colors in the admin list view on iOS Chrome
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with trashed articles showing in the article select field in conditions

11-Apr-2023 : v12.8.0
+ Adds link to the documentation in the footer text
^ [J4] Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases
# [PRO] Fixes...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated ReReplacer Pro with a new update entry:


# [J4][J5][PRO] Fixes issue with multiple same replacements by php on a page not being dynamic
# [J5] Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

+ [J5] Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5
# [J4] Fixes issue with replacements being done in some edit forms when they contain too much html

# [J4] Changes how parts of the html output are excluded for replacements based on the settings (changes public API of some classes)
# [J4] Fixes issue with...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated ReReplacer Pro with a new update entry:


# [PRO] Fixes issue with time conditions (before/after) not working

! [J3] Removes Joomla 3 support
^ [J4][J5] Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
# [J4][J5] Fixes issue with date assignments not taking time zone into account correctly
# [J4][J5][PRO] Fixes issue with replacements on component level being done at a later stage
# [J5] Fixes issue with errors on installation

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated ReReplacer Pro with a new update entry:


# Fixes issue with condition rules getting cached in administrator side
# Fixes issue with php errors about array_keys
# [PRO] Fixes issue with access level and user group conditions not working correctly when selecting the 'Match All' option

^ Adds php code coloring in replace field
^ [PRO] Improves frontend rendering speed by caching certain database queries
# [J5] Fixes issue with fatal errors in editor button popup about onBeforeRender event
# [J5] Fixes issue...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated ReReplacer Pro with a new update entry:


# Fixes issue with php error about prepareSelection

^ Improves memory usage
^ Refactors some code
^ Updates Mobile Detect Library to 4.8.04

^ Refactors some code
# Fixes issues with modal popups for editing/selecting/removing conditions not being accessible with users without core.admin permissions
# Fixes issues with rules not being copied when duplicating condition sets
# [PRO] Fixes issue with conditions cache not being cleared on saving
# [PRO] Fixes...

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