OS Services Booking

OS Services Booking 2.23.0

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Services Booking with a new update entry:


1. Improve component layouts
2. Add field Salutation in Checkout form
3. Add Dark layout style for Dark Joomla template
4. Improve calendars
5. Add resting time/cleaning time at end of order item
6. Improve booking progress
7. Add configure options to change order status when payment failure
8. Support more than one custom timeslots discount option
9. Add jQuery validator in Checkout, Login and Registration forms
10. Fix previous issues

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Services Booking with a new update entry:


v2.22.3 (May 2024)

1. Add configure option to setup time for removing pending orders
2. Update database
3. Improve layouts
4. Fix issues in previous versions
5. Update new payment library for Joomla 5 and PHP 8.x

v2.22.2 (March 2024)
1. Add configure option to make field: Email in Checkout form is require or not
2. Add configure option to Show just one nearest timeslot
3. Add field: First Name in Checkout form
4. Improve ICS generator function
5. Add...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated OS Services Booking with a new update entry:


1. Improved extension code structure to make layouts to work well on Joomla 5
2. Support multilingual with invoices
3. Improve booking summary
4. Add new version available alert at Dashboard of extension
5. Fix issue in statistic chart at Dashboard
6. Fix issue on ics generation
7. Fix issue on removing order items
8. Fix issue on booking progress

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