Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing

Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing 5.6.58 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.1
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.5
- **UPD:** Updated .pot files across all Motors plugins.
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.4
- **UPD:** STM Mega Menu updated to 2.3.14
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.8.7
- **UPD:** Motors – Equipment plugin is updated to v1.2.3
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.4
- **UPD:** Motors – WooCommerce Auto...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.2
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.5
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.5
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.7
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Redesigned Listing Manager and improved interface with more intuitive settings.
- **FIX:** Resolved an issue where the logo didn’t load on the homepage after demo import in Elementor Listing Five.
- **FIX:** Corrected affix display in the...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added a setting to specify the time after which the date of unprocessed orders will reset.
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.3
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.6
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.6
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.6
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.8
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.8.8
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer...

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thanks to dear member @work updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Introduced option to display Address, Primary Phone Number, and Secondary Phone Number for header style in Dealership One.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added Typography and Background settings for the Compare Elementor widget for customization.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added an option to adjust the thumbnail height for listings in WP Bakery widgets for better layout control.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added a message that shows up instead of the Rental selection form when the WooCommerce...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **UPD:** The Slider Revolution plugin is updated to 6.7.23.
- **UPD:** The WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated to 8.1.
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.5
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.6.8
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.46
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added new widget STM Deal Buttons in WP Bakery.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Introduced a Preview Page button in the Add Listing Form settings for better...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added a "Show More" button for displaying listings on the page.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Introduced a quick access menu in the admin bar for better management.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to 1.4.47
- **FIX:** Resolved an issue where Addon was displayed before the Rate item in email invoices in Rental layouts.
- **FIX:** Addressed an issue where scrolling the WordPress dashboard menu was impossible on the Listings page.

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.6
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.9
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.49
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.7
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.4.8
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added “Show Similar Listings by Parameter” option for STM Similar Cars widget in WPBakery layouts with MLT.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added image previews in the plugin...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.7
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.50
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Introduced option to select the required steps in Add Listing.
- **FIX:** Resolved a conflict with the Yoast SEO plugin caused by Open Graph tags.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Upgraded the design of custom fields to make them more user-friendly and intuitive.
- **FIX:** Corrected the "Download Google Fonts" setting not appearing after an update.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v1.4.52
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.4.0
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.8
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.3.8
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing with a new update entry:


- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added a search bar to quickly find settings and options in the theme options.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added display icons for the password in the New Password and Re-enter New Password fields.
- **FIX:** Resolved a translation loading issue that caused warnings to appear.
- **FIX:** Corrected the image hover not displaying images properly in Listing Tabs widget styles.
- **UPD:** Subscriptio plugin updated to 3.1.3
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is...

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