JCE Pro 2.9.83

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • The Link Basic Dialog now contains Title and Target fields.
    The JCE Media Field now includes a Description field to set the Image description (Alternate text) or Link text.


  • Pressing ALT + Enter (Option + Enter on Mac) inside a table that is inside a column or other nested block element would move the cursor out of the column rather than just out of the table.
  • Joomla editor-xtd...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • JCE Media Field images would not display correctly in media overrides or dynamic content when saved using the new Description field. If the Description field is left empty, the value will now be saved as a single string value as before.
  • JCE Media Field images previously created with the Extended Media option disabled would always display as links.

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • Copying and pasting a file into the same folder will create a copy using the File Name Suffix parameter. Pasting a file into a folder that contains a file with the same name will show prompt to Replace or Keep Both, with Keep Both creating a copy.
  • A Legacy Media Support global parameter has been added in System -> Plugins -> Fields - Media JCE to revert the standard media field to a single...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • File Browser, Image Manager etc. would not show folders if no Directory Filters were set.



  • Refactored Editors - JCE plugin for better Joomla 5/6 compatability.


  • Some editor-xtd buttons below a custom editor field that used a modal window eg: Media, would not open.
  • IFrame elements can now have no src...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • Double-clicking on a file item in the File Browser, Image Manager, Media Manager etc. will select and insert the item immediately, without the need to click the Insert button.


  • Updated MobileDetect library
  • Added an "enterkey_" prefix to the existing keep_styles and keep_attributes internal EnterKey options.
  • PRO The Code Editor now uses 4 space characters rather than a single...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • PRO The Add Columns button is now a split button with additional Add Column Before and Add Column After options.
  • Pasting a table into an existing table will add the new table cells to the existing table. Existing cells will be replaced with the new cells starting from the cell in which the new content is pasted.
  • Added a Definition List option to the Format list to create a Definition List from a selection as an alternative to...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



08 May 2024


  • PRO A new Custom Query option is available in the Editor Profiles -> Setup tab to assign or restrict a profile based on $_REQUEST variables passed in the active component, eg: view=article or id=4.
  • Added a new CleanUp Mode parameter to the Clipboard plugin that simplifies configuration of the Paste tool.
  • Added a Classes option to the Image Manager Basic Dialog.

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