JCE Pro 2.9.83

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • PRO The Resize parameter options now include the option to set a default Crop to Fit state for each Resize option set.
  • PRO The Resize parameter options now include the option to add a default Resize Suffix
  • PRO The layout of the Resize parameter options are now improved to present the options - Width, Height, Suffix - as a single group.
  • PRO Available resize options can now be selected / deselected with a checkbox...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • PRO A Mute option is available in the Media Options tab in the Media Manager for Youtube videos. The Mute option will be checked automatically when Autoplay is checked (required by Youtube)
  • Options to enable / disable Supported Media for IFrames and specify custom URL values to validate user iframes against.
  • Media elements (iframe, video, audio) that are marked as non-editable (eg: with a mceNonEditable class value) will not be removed from content...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • The Link dialog now has a specific set of File Browser options, including File Directory Path, Permitted File Extensions etc.
  • PRO The IFrames dialog now has a specific set of File Browser options, including File Directory Path, Permitted File Extensions etc.


  • PRO IFrames and Media Manager plugins override Media Support Allow IFrames options.
  • PRO An Upload Quality of...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:


PRO IFrames would be removed if Allow IFrames is Yes if the Media Manager was added to the editor toolbar.
An available user.css file will now also be loaded to style the editor for core templates, eg: cassiopeia
The alt attribute in a Pagebreak <hr> tag would be removed if using the Joomla Pagebreak button to insert it.

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • PRO IFrame Embed code can now be inserted using the dropdown on the IFrame button.


  • PRO The <track> element in <audio> and <video> tags could not be added or edited using the HTML field in the Media Manager dialog.
  • Added a workaround to fix an issue with SP PageBuilder 4 retrieving unprocessed content from the editor.
  • An editor stylesheet asset would produce a 404 error attempting to load a missing font...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:


Show Editor-xtd Buttons option​

An option has been added to Editor Profiles -> Features & Layout to disable display of the Joomla editor-xtd buttons at the bottom of the editor. These buttons include core options such as ReadMore, Pagebreak, Image, Article etc. (many of which are already features of JCE Editor) and buttons added by installed extensions to accomplish various editor related tasks for those extensions. If these buttons are not required, setting this...

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