JCE Pro 2.9.83

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • PRO Template Manager lists are now loaded when the Template Managet list menu is first opened.


  • When applying a style from the Styles list to an inline element (link, strong etc.) that is at the beginning of a paragraph, the style would be applied to the parent element, eg: paragraph
  • Pressing Enter at the end of a link at the end of a line would create a new paragraph without a cursor.
  • Attempting a new...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • Saved content would not show changes if the editor did not have active tabs, ie: Editor, Code, Preview



  • Editor langauges were not loaded in the front-end.
  • Editor would not load if the Compress Javascript or Compress CSS options were enabled.
  • PRO Code Editor would display an error and not load when switching to the Code tab.

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • Some parameter text fields were saving and showing encoded UTF-8 characters.
  • Fixed placeholder values for some parameters.
  • Javascript error in SP PageBuilder Pro when clicking the Apply button due to submit action after form has been removed
  • PRO Editing content in the Code tab in SP PageBuilder would cause content change / update loop

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • PRO Pressing backspace or delete in a block element (paragraph, list) inside a Column would not delete as expected
  • PRO Editing an existing <audio> element with the Media Manager would fail to correctly detect the media type.
  • Media items (Youtube, Vimeo etc.) would include the attribute dimension values (width, height) and the dimensions as a style value. The style values are now removed correctly.
  • The editor would stall or take a long time to...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:



  • Files can now be downloaded from the File Browser files list by pressing the ALT key while clicking on the file name.


  • Update Color Splitbutton layout and allow for inclusion of default colours when using Custom Text Colours or Custom Background Colours by adding the $default variable before the colour list.


  • PRO Changing Layout and Stack options in...

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thanks to dear member @Dano627775 updated JCE Pro with a new update entry:




  • A Language Code plugin has been added (using a globe image as the button icon) to easily add a lang attribute value as an ISO 639-1 Language Code, eg: en, de, fr etc. to any element or text selection.


  • The XHTMLXtras plugin has been split into a new Attributes plugin, for setting and updating common attributes on elements, and a new Reference plugin, which...

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