Hosting | Domain | Server Rules

Bronze Member
Iron Member
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Guidelines for Posting and Receiving Approval for Your Hosting | Domain | Server Thread:

You must have Donate Member or Bronze Member usergroup status.
You must be free from bans and infractions (subject to moderator approval).

Section 1: Domains
  1. Proof of ownership over the domain must be provided to the reviewing moderator.
  2. If you're selling domain names that you have not been purchased, we will need to be able to verify that
Section 2: Shared Hosting
  1. Specifications must match what's advertised.
  2. The OS of the server must be specified.
Section 3: Dedicated Hosting
  1. Specifications must match what's advertised.
  2. Dedicated servers must not be shared servers in disguise.
  3. The OS of the server must be specified.
Section 4: Virtual Private Servers
  1. Specifications must match what's advertised.
  2. VPS' must not be shared servers in disguise.
  3. The OS of the server must be specified.
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