the weird thing is that the site folder is empty and that everyting else (plugins, module etc) get installed just fine.installscript.php code
PHP:function preflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $parent): bool { // Check for Joomla compatibility if(version_compare(JVERSION, '4', '<')) { Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage (Text::sprintf('COM_GPTRANSLATE_INSTALLING_VERSION_NOTCOMPATIBLE', JVERSION), 'error'); if(version_compare(JVERSION, '3.10', '<')) { Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage (Text::sprintf('Error, installation aborted. Pay attention! You are attempting to install a component package for Joomla 4 that does not match your actual Joomla version. Download and install the correct package for your Joomla %s version.', JVERSION), 'error'); } return false; } return true; }
maybe his other verision was support J3.but 2.x was not
Those install scripts all have similar code with conditions for Joomla versions, but they still get installed, some times with slight code modifications.
This time I can not install it on Joomla 3 no matter how I try to do it.
Has anyone ever installed it on Joomla 4?
So it says "download and install the version for Joomla 3", but the archive usually has all versions in it.