This plugin was included with the module frontened only
I guess I missunderstand, so the module only, no component there?thank you! I found them, copied all of them to com_gptranslate folder of my site but I stil can not get the component in my admin panel, the finder does not see it either.
so, I have the admin part, the plugins, the module, but not the component.
when trying to install through installer, get error saying wrong Joomla version package as it is Joomla 3.10.2
how should I install it there?
so is it workable or not then?This plugin was included with the module frontened only
Thanks, but the developer`s site says it is compatible with Joomla 3, that is sort of frustrating.i checked plugin code .this version was request minimum joomla release 4.0
installscript.php code
GPTranslate for Joomla is the revolutionary and most powerful solution to automatically translate your Joomla website thanks to the power of Artificial Intelligence and
function preflight(string $type, InstallerAdapter $parent): bool {
// Check for Joomla compatibility
if(version_compare(JVERSION, '4', '<')) {
Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage (Text::sprintf('COM_GPTRANSLATE_INSTALLING_VERSION_NOTCOMPATIBLE', JVERSION), 'error');
if(version_compare(JVERSION, '3.10', '<')) {
Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage (Text::sprintf('Error, installation aborted. Pay attention! You are attempting to install a component package for Joomla 4 that does not match your actual Joomla version. Download and install the correct package for your Joomla %s version.', JVERSION), 'error');
return false;
return true;
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