[DBTech] DragonByte Credits

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits 6.0.1

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [DBTech] DragonByte Credits with a new update entry:


* **Feature:** Pay to unlock threads *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Page to see unlocked content *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Expiring credits *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Add support for cookie consent for payment profiles *2024-04-04*
* **Feature:** Add warning when deleting events that have been used in transactions *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Refactored backend code *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2 *2024-04-04*
* **Change:** Standardise...

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thanks to dear member @newimage updated [DBTech] DragonByte Credits with a new update entry:


* **Change:** Reduced query count due to new XenForo 2.3 functionality *2024-07-05*
* **Change:** Update entity references to use class-string *2024-07-05*
* **Change:** Updated macros to XF 2.3 format *2024-07-05*
* **Change:** Convert JS to Vanilla JS *2024-07-05*
* **Change:** Replace various references with `class-string<T>` equivalents *2024-07-05*
* **Change:** Update code for PHP 8.0 *2024-07-05*
* **Change:** Add compatibility with new XenForo 2.3 Beta 6 feature *2024-07-05*

Read the rest of this update entry...